Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cash Game

I know that is hasn't been very long since I made the decision to stop the cash game.
After discussing the situation with my advisory board and the parties involved an agreement has been reached.
The cash game is back on.
Warning: This is to anyone who threatens a fight or threatens to hit someone out of anger will be banned from the cash game and possibly the tournament.
I put together the VPL for entertainment. I enjoy putting the tournaments together along with my cheezy blogs and videos. It does get discouraging if I have to be on toes every week and wonder who will act up that night. I want to have a good time along with everyone.
I don't mind the drinking or the shit talking. That's what poker is all about.
It's when the tone changes and it becomes personal that problems begin.
I hope that everyone can understand my position on this matter.
I do listen to everyone's opinion on any matter.
I do appreciate everyone's input on the holiday inn tournament.
Thank you and good luck.


Anonymous said...

I think anyone who threatens another player with phsical violence in a serious manner should be suspeneded for at least a week

Joe Ayala (Kicks) said...

I think that anyone who can't spell should be suspended for at least a week.

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