Wednesday, September 22, 2010

La Bamba Tournament

Unfortunately the tournament scheduled for Saturday 9-25-10 has to be canceled.

I'm in the process of scheduling a tournament in October for La Bamba.

I will post it when it is finalized.

Season 26 Week 6

The end is coming!

The end of the season that is.

This week was week #6 which means that there are only two tournaments left for season 26,

The points race still can be won by anyone.

This week the VPL was host to 22 hungry poker players.

Who will be the next two to qualify for the TOC.

Keep reading, that answer is coming up.

It was slow to start getting people out of the tournament, but once the break was over it seemed like that were dropping like flies.

Lets get to the nitty gritty. The bubble list:

Janna, Brandon, Bill and Steve.

This week the one with the pin went to..........................Brandon.

After Brandon's exit and the dust settled, the money list was born.

Janna, Bill and Steve.

When there is a 4th place, there has to be a 3rd place.

This week, leaving the table in 3rd place with a win of $37 was Bill.

Heads-Up: Steve and Janna

I have to say that I haven't seen a heads-up like this in a long time.

But by the turn of the river on the final hand we crowned a winner for week 6.

Which means, coming in 2nd place, a seat at the TOC and $93 was...........Janna.

To the victor go the spoils, winning week 6, the chip, a seat at the TOC and $187 was Steve.

Congratulations to Steve and Janna for being the next two people to qualify for the TOC.

Who will be the next two to qualify?

Who will be leading points after week 7?

You have to come and play to see. Same bat time, same bat channel.

Good luck everyone.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Season 26 Week 5

Welcome to season 26 week 5.

Completing this week, means that there are only 3 tournaments left in season 26.

Points race is still anyone's ballgame.

This week VPL hosted 19 players at the poker tables.

As the season is on it's downside people are taking alot more chances with bets and calls.

Some of the calls at the VPL would make your jaw drop all the way to the floor.

Also you can hear ooohs when a person has hit their two outer on the river to save their tournament life.

These are the things to expect when you come and play at the VPL.

This week the bubble list contained the following names: Jeremy, Joe, Angela and Todd

Being short stacked the first name off the list and popping the bubble was Angela.

This brings us to money list: Todd, Jeremy and Joe

Leaving the table with a win of $48 along with a few choice words was Jeremy.

Heads-Up: Todd and Joe

Congratulations to these two gentlemen (and I use the word gentlemen very generously).
for being two new names on the TOC qualifying list.

With a catch on the river, it was Joe who went out in 2nd place with a win of $80.

That means that it was Todd who was the winner of week 5. His efforts earned him the chip along with $161.

Let's see everyone come and play in week 7.

Good luck everyone.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Season 26 Week 4

We have just completed the halfway point for season 26.

This week the numbers dipped a bit but that the poker action did not.

Week 4 had 18 players come and pull up a chair and put their $21 on the line.

Just because we are have 1/2 the season in the books does not mean that it's over.

Just the opposite, it's far from over. After this week the points race tightened up.

Let's get it started.

This week we know the place................the bubble list:

The four names to grace this list are: Clay, Alan, Valerie and Jared.

It was a battle to the pop the bubble but the winner of this honor is................ Valerie.

She popped the bubble going out in 4th place.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Time!

Clay, Jared and Alan

The next to gracefully leave the table is 3rd place with a win of $46 was Alan.

Heads-Up: Clay and Jared

This was quite the battle. The pots were kept low. Neither one of these men wanted to go out early in this heads up match.

In the end, we did have a 2nd place with a win of $77 was Clay.

Week 4 win, the chip and $153 went to Jared.

Congratulations to Clay and Jared for qualifying for the TOC.

Congratulations to Jared, this was Jared's first win at the VPL.

Will there new qualifiers next week?

Will there be a new points leader?

Tune in next week for the answers to these questions plus alot of great poker action.

Good luck everyone!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Season 26 Week 3

This week the VPL was host to 23 people who came, laid their money down and played some incredible poker.

It has been said time and time again that there is no action like the VPL. This proved to be true week in week 3.

There were some crazy bets but the calls were............well let's just say they could have been on their own tv show.............Ripley's believe it or not!

Some things you just have to see with your own eyes to believe.

That's the reason that you should come next week to see this play.

Plenty of things to learn from at the VPL.

Let's get this party started.

The bubble list: Slugger, Todd, Alan and Scott

This week the honor of popping the bubble belongs to Todd.

Which brings us to money list.

Alan, Scott and Slugger.

Going out in 3rd place with a win of $39 was Alan.

Heads-up: Scott and Slugger

With the final card we can crown a winner for week3.

In 2nd place with a win of $97 was Slugger.

That means in 1st, the chip and $195 was Scott.

Congratulations to Scott for winning back to back week 2 and week 3.

Can he repeat his performance next week?

Come play and find out.

Good luck everyone.