Thursday, September 16, 2010

Season 26 Week 5

Welcome to season 26 week 5.

Completing this week, means that there are only 3 tournaments left in season 26.

Points race is still anyone's ballgame.

This week VPL hosted 19 players at the poker tables.

As the season is on it's downside people are taking alot more chances with bets and calls.

Some of the calls at the VPL would make your jaw drop all the way to the floor.

Also you can hear ooohs when a person has hit their two outer on the river to save their tournament life.

These are the things to expect when you come and play at the VPL.

This week the bubble list contained the following names: Jeremy, Joe, Angela and Todd

Being short stacked the first name off the list and popping the bubble was Angela.

This brings us to money list: Todd, Jeremy and Joe

Leaving the table with a win of $48 along with a few choice words was Jeremy.

Heads-Up: Todd and Joe

Congratulations to these two gentlemen (and I use the word gentlemen very generously).
for being two new names on the TOC qualifying list.

With a catch on the river, it was Joe who went out in 2nd place with a win of $80.

That means that it was Todd who was the winner of week 5. His efforts earned him the chip along with $161.

Let's see everyone come and play in week 7.

Good luck everyone.

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