Saturday, September 4, 2010

Season 26 Week 3

This week the VPL was host to 23 people who came, laid their money down and played some incredible poker.

It has been said time and time again that there is no action like the VPL. This proved to be true week in week 3.

There were some crazy bets but the calls were............well let's just say they could have been on their own tv show.............Ripley's believe it or not!

Some things you just have to see with your own eyes to believe.

That's the reason that you should come next week to see this play.

Plenty of things to learn from at the VPL.

Let's get this party started.

The bubble list: Slugger, Todd, Alan and Scott

This week the honor of popping the bubble belongs to Todd.

Which brings us to money list.

Alan, Scott and Slugger.

Going out in 3rd place with a win of $39 was Alan.

Heads-up: Scott and Slugger

With the final card we can crown a winner for week3.

In 2nd place with a win of $97 was Slugger.

That means in 1st, the chip and $195 was Scott.

Congratulations to Scott for winning back to back week 2 and week 3.

Can he repeat his performance next week?

Come play and find out.

Good luck everyone.

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