Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Season 26 Week 6

The end is coming!

The end of the season that is.

This week was week #6 which means that there are only two tournaments left for season 26,

The points race still can be won by anyone.

This week the VPL was host to 22 hungry poker players.

Who will be the next two to qualify for the TOC.

Keep reading, that answer is coming up.

It was slow to start getting people out of the tournament, but once the break was over it seemed like that were dropping like flies.

Lets get to the nitty gritty. The bubble list:

Janna, Brandon, Bill and Steve.

This week the one with the pin went to..........................Brandon.

After Brandon's exit and the dust settled, the money list was born.

Janna, Bill and Steve.

When there is a 4th place, there has to be a 3rd place.

This week, leaving the table in 3rd place with a win of $37 was Bill.

Heads-Up: Steve and Janna

I have to say that I haven't seen a heads-up like this in a long time.

But by the turn of the river on the final hand we crowned a winner for week 6.

Which means, coming in 2nd place, a seat at the TOC and $93 was...........Janna.

To the victor go the spoils, winning week 6, the chip, a seat at the TOC and $187 was Steve.

Congratulations to Steve and Janna for being the next two people to qualify for the TOC.

Who will be the next two to qualify?

Who will be leading points after week 7?

You have to come and play to see. Same bat time, same bat channel.

Good luck everyone.

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