Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Season 27 Week 7

Season 27 Week 7

This was it! The last chance to qualify for the Holiday Invitational!

This week the VPL was host to 19 players.

This week was interesting because at the break, there was only 2 players out of the tournament.

However, once the blinds hit 75-150, they started dropping like flies.

The tournament was completed around 11:50pm.

A tournament ending before midnight at the VPL, that very rarely happens.

Stranger things have happened at the VPL.

The only constant thing you will hear at the VPL is “Wow, did that really just happen?”.

We started off strong with 3 tables of action.

Of course, 3 tables becomes 2 tables. Then 2 tables turns into the final table.

Then with half of those people gone………………we’ve got the bubble list.

This week the bubble list had: Andrew, Michelle, Janna and Jason W.

This is interesting because Janna and Jason W have previously qualified for the TOC.

Will there be a new qualifier? Two?

Which one will pop the bubble, a previous qualifier or a non-qualifier……..

At this point it became the battle of skill, patience and short stack play.

The answer is………………..a non-qualifier.

This week the bubble king was Andrew.

The evolution of the bubble list is that it blossoms into the money list:

Janna, Michelle and Jason W

The question still remains, will there be a new qualifier?

Coming in 3rd place with a win of $48 was………..Janna.

So the answer to the questions is: Yes, there will be at least one new qualifier this week.

After the money list retires, it transforms into Heads-Up: Michelle and Jason W

After a few hands it was over.

With the final all-in and call, coming in 2nd place with a win of $80 was Michelle.

That means that the final man standing for week 7, with the chip, and $161 was Jason W.

Congratulations to Michelle for qualifying this week.

Going into the money list, Jason W had a chip a good chip lead over Michelle and Janna.

The action does not end here folks.

In fact, the plot now thickens.

With Michelle qualifying this week it opens up the race to who will be the two non-points qualifiers.

There is only one more week left.

Bryan has the 1st spot pretty well secured.

Now the 2nd spot difference is only one point.

The fight for the seat is with James (70 pts) and Alan (69pts).

If they happened to tie, they both could possibly get a seat in the TOC.

Wait, there’s more!

If they both happen to qualify, then someone new could sneak up and get the seat.

Who will be the next qualifiers.

Who will be the top two points qualifiers.

So many questions, not enough answers.

Come next week and see.

Good luck everyone.

Week 8, the VPL starts a new pot for the 2011 Holiday Invitational!

1 comment:

Sober Legal Network said...

Correction: Andre qualified already. He went out in 4th having played a great game. HOWEVER: he had already qualified several weeks earlier. Its all good cosa.

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