Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Season 28 Week 1

Season 28 Week 1

What a week to start off the new season.

This week by the break, the VPL was host to 20 people.

With one person coming in as we were coloring up. You couldn’t get any closer than that.

I know I say this every week, however, this week proved to be crazy with action.

I don’t just mean a lot of betting, but the cards that people were showing were insane.

I understand that there is no 1 way to play poker………….but WOW.

We had multiple handed pots, big pots, small pots. Sometimes it seemed like money was just being exchanged around the table. (HaHa I know that’s exactly what happens when you play poker……….but this week was more strange than usual)

Here is another example on how it was a little different.

Okay, we had 20 people. That’s 3 tables of poker action, however, the tournament ended around 11:20. That by itself is crazy.

This next part is the information that everyone is looking for.

People, I present……………………..the Bubble List:

There are always 4 names on this list (when the attendance is 20 and lower).

This week is no different. I now present you with the following names:

Brandon, Andy, Joe and David SL

Bowing out gracefully after about 3 hours of play was Brandon.

We are now one step closer to crowning a winner of week 1.

This next rung on this ladder is the money list, which I present to you now:

Andy, Joe and David SL

The question now becomes who will be the first two qualifiers for season 28’s TOC.

Keep reading, I have an answer for that question.

Leaving the table in the 3rd position with a win of $48 was Joe.

As we continue to climb this ladder the next rung is heads-up.

Congratulations to both David SL and Andy for being the first two players to qualify.

The last hand went something like this (and if I’m wrong, I’m sure Joe will let me know).

Before that I want to give a big THANK YOU to Joe for dealing the heads-up.

The VPL rule is that when the tournament is heads up there is a 3rd party dealer.

Now back to our regular scheduled program:

Last hand:

Andy moves all-in.

David SL says (I’m paraphrasing here)”Screw it, I’m tired. I call”

Andy is the chipleader at this point.

Andy shows K J and David shows 3 5

The flop comes A 5 10.

David hits a pair on the flop to take the lead.

But don’t celebrate too early, because the turn brings a Q for Andy to seal the deal.

David SL leaves in 2nd place with a win of $80.

We crown our first champion for Season 28.

With a win of $160 and the chip it was Andy. This is Andy’s first win at the VPL.

What will next week bring?

Don’t forget starting, January 4, 2011, we start keeping track for Player of the Year.

Top 10 each week get points.

Good luck everyone.

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