Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Season 27 Week 8

Season 27 Week 8

Coming off the heals of a very successful Holiday Invitational, we cap this season 27 off this week with week #8.

Compared to the big turnout we had for the holiday inn, the VPL hosted a modest 17 players for week #8.

Don’t let that fool you, this week was full of surprises. Early outs and surprisingly deep runs.

By the end of of it all, we want to say congratulations to Brandon for winning season 27 points. He totaled 119 points.

For this great feat, Brandon earned himself $267.

Congratulations to Brandon.

Even with two tables of poker action, the tournament lasted a little after midnight.

No sense in putting this off…………the bubble list:

David P, Valerie, Scott and Brandon

With the points secured, Brandon left the table in 4th place.

Which leads us to the money list:

Valerie, David P, and Scott

Out of this bunch, there is only one previous qualifier…David P.

That means that we will add at least one new name to the TOC qualfiers (maybe two)

In 3rd place with a win of $40 was Valerie.

Heads up: David P and Scott

This battle ended almost as quickly as it started.

Going out in 2nd place, with a win of $68 was David P.

That means week 8’s victory, along with chip and $136 went to Scott.

*** Interesting side note here:

Scott came in 2nd at the Holiday Invitational with a win of $442.

And now 1st time playing this season, takes down week 8 with a win of $136.

For a total of $579 in two weeks.

How will he do at the TOC?

Will he take it down? Will he make some more money.

The only thing that is for certain is that you have to come and play to find out.

There are officially 14 players qualified for the TOC:

Brandon, David P, TC, Michelle, Jason W, Todd, Janna, Bill, Andrew, Alex, Scott, Quentin…..two points qualifiers are Bryan and Alan.

Good luck everyone.

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