Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Season 28 Week 3

Season 28 Week 3

This week 17 players ponied up their $21 to have a seat at the best place to play poker this side of the Arkansas River.

This week begins the run for Player of the Year.

Top ten every week get points:


There is the running list of POY points running on the sidebar.

I have to comment on this week plays.

I know I don’t watch the NFL however this week the NFL had nothing on this week’s catches at the VPL.

I’m talking everything from catching an inside straight draw to catching runner runner for a flush. Not to forget catching the miracle card on the river to win a hand.

Normally this description is typical over all at the VPL, however, this week all these catches went to one person.

That person is David SL. The catches this guy caught were unbelievable.

All the above examples were catches that Dave caught throughout the night.

How is the 1st week of 2011?

Crazy is one word for it but let’s just start with the bubble list:

Dave SL, Michelle, Alex and Jeremy.

17 players means that 3 get paid.

4th place belonged to Jeremy with 55 points going toward POY.

Now we have the first group of money winners for 2011:

Dave SL, Michelle and Alex

With 60 pts for POY, $40 and a 3rd place finish, Michelle had to leave this group.

Heads-up: Alex and Dave SL

Dave SL had previous qualified for TOC.

Congratulations to Alex for becoming the next qualifier for the TOC.

Let’s talk about the final hand of the game.

At this point, Dave SL is chip leader.

Alex on the button.

Alex says All-In………Dave thinks and “I’m tired” and calls.

Alex shows 55 and Dave SL K3

The following may not be the exact board but the outcome is the same.

Going into this battle Alex is leading Dave.

Board ends up showing:

7 9 J turn 7 and then rivers a J

By the board double pairing, counterfeits Alex’s pocket pair and with the board having the highest two pair, Dave wins the hand and the game with the biggest kicker.

This is the final example of Dave’s infamous card catching.

Alex leaves the table in 2nd place with 75 pts for POY , a seat at the TOC and $68.

Davis SL wins the tournament with 100pts for POY and $136.

He also won the chip which he has been on a mission for a very long time.

Is this the sign of what will come in 2011?

No one knows but the one thing I do know is that you will have to come next week and play to find out.

The seasons points are in the sidebar.

The points are very close. Only 2 pts separate 1st and 2nd.

Come and play and get the POY points.

Good luck to everyone.

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