Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Season 28 Week 4

We are now officially 1/2 way through Season 28.

This week the snow and cold did not deter the hardcore players of the VPL.

With the temperatures plummeting below the zero mark, 19 players made their way for week 4.

This week's points leader was MIA.

The big question was what type of play could we expect to see tonight.

It didn't take long for the action to get crazy.

all-in trips were broken up by an inside catch on the need to mention names here.

But let's get back to the action at hand.

This is also week #2 for the Player of the Year.

This week, the four names on the bubble list were: Jared, Brandon, Joe and Jeremy

This was a very interesting position because an unfortunate hand popped the bubble.

At this point, Jared was the short stack.

Brandon was on the bubble.

Brandon moved all-in and was called by Jeremy in the BB

Brandon showed AK
Jeremy showed AQ

Looked like a locked hand until the rive when the Q hit.

Jeremy had more chips and Brandon went out in 4th place.

Jared sqeeked into the money.

Money time: Jared, Joe and Jeremy

the triple J's

At this point, Jared still was short stacked and left the table in 3rd place with a win of $45.

Heads-Up: Joe and Jeremy

My money is on the guy who's name starts with J.

As always, the clock is stopped for dedicated dealer.

At this time, these guys were discussing a chop.

This took a few minutes to come up with an agreeable amount.

Finally they did.

the prize pool at this time, was $228.

Jeremy had the chip lead so, it was agreed upon a $128 and $100 split with $128 going to Jeremy.

They are now playing for the chip and points.

This was a very entertaining heads up simply because both of these players couldn't keep from going any hand without talking about it.

One major hand was when Jeremy's AK bet Joe out of a pot when he had 44.

No AK had hit.

The final hand went something like this:

Joe in the SB and Jeremy in the BB

Joe min raises.

Jeremy calls

the flop comes A 10 10.

Jeremy checks and then Joe moves all-in

Joe shows KK and Jeremy shows 7 10.

nothing helps on the turn or the river.

This week's 2nd place finisher was Joe

The chip went to our week 4 winner Jeremy.

don't forget to keep track of the POY pts on the right.

Let's see everyone next week.

Good luck everyone.

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