Monday, January 24, 2011

Season 28 Week 5

This week the VPL was host to 15 of the valley's best poker players.

The action is always crazy at the VPL whether there are 25 people or 10.

You never know what is going to happen.

Now with the POY race, that just adds another goal to race for.

Two tables of great poker action.

Let's start this out where we always do.

the bubble list:

All of the following names (but one) made money this week.

Michelle, Tim R, Brandon and Bill

The one person who went out in 4th place was.............Tim R.

That means the following names had a little cash in their pocket at the end of the night.

Brandon, Michelle and Bill

There will be two new qualifiers this week..........but which names will have a Q next to their names?

Going out in 3rd place with a win of $30 was Michelle.

Heads-Up and the two new qualifiers are: Brandon and Bill

My money is on the guy whose name starts with a B to win.

Let's see......................

Okay, going out in 2nd place with a win of $60 and a place at the TOC is...........Bill.

That means that this weeks winner has 100 POY pts, a seat at the TOC and $120 is Brandon.

Congratulations to Brandon and Bill for qualifying.

the points race is very close and so is the POY race.

What will happen in week 6?

You know the drill...............come and play and find out.

Good luck everyone.

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