Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Season 32 Tournament of Champions

Season 32 TOC

There were 13 people who qualified this season. Two people sold their seats (Jason H and Brandon). The two people who bought their seats were Slugger and Pat.

The first to leave the table in the 2nd round was James.
Next to say good-buy in 15-30 was Steve.
After the break during 25-50, there were two more to leave the TOC. Those were Dave SL and Alan.

during 50-100, it was Valeries turn to leave the table.

With her exit, this made the final table.
First to exit the final table was TC.
Crazy action up to this point.
Of course that goes without saying because this is the VPL.
In 7th place was Mark.
Joe finally got blinded out in 6th place.
This brings us to the money bubble: Pat, Jason W, Clay and Michelle.
This list has us with Clay (two bracelets) and Slugger (one bracelet).
The one who popped the bubble was....................Clay.
Money list: Pat, Michelle, Slugger and Jason W
In 4th place winning $62 was................................Michelle.
We have two players going after their first bracelet and one player going after his 2nd bracelet.
Going out in third place with a win of $93 was............................Slugger.
That means that there will be a new entry into the VPL Hall of Fame.
This was a true comeback.
Without further udue...............
In 2nd place with a win of $155 was..................................Pat
That means that the winner of Seaon 32 Tournament of Champions was Jason W.
Congratulations to Jason W for winning $310 and his first bracelet.
Stay tuned to find out who will win next season.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Season 32 Week 7

David Sl
Jason W
Tim R

Season 32 Week 7

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Season 32 Week 6

David Sl
Jason W

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Season 31 Weekl 8

Jason W
Tim R
Tim G
David Sl

Monday, August 22, 2011

Season 31 Week 7

Jason W
David P
David Sl
Tim R
Greg H

Season 31 Week 6

Tim R
Jason W
Jeff F

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Season 31 Week 5

Jason W
Tim G

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Season 31 Week 4

Jason W
Jeff F.
David Sl

Season 31 Week 3

Tim G
Jeff F.
Jason W
David Sl
Brandon SL

Season 31 Week 2

David Sl
Tim G
David Good
Jeff F.
Jason W

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Season 31 Week 1

Week 1

David Good
Tim R
Jason W
David SL
Brandon SL
Lori SL
Tim G

Season 30 Tournmaent of Champions

Tim R
David SL
Tim G

Season 30 Week 5 through 8

Week 8

David SL
Jeff F
Tim G

Week 7

Tim R
Jeff F
Tim G
David SL

Week 6

Jason W
Bryan L
Tim R
Brian Lopez
David SL
Tim G

Week 5

Tim R
Tim G
David SL

Sunday, May 22, 2011

No Tournament

There will not be a tournament on May 24, 2011.

VPL will continue on May 31, 2011.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Season 30 Week 4

We are halfway through season 30.

Once again week 4 had 3 tables of great poker action.

For a straight month, there were 18 players who came together to fight their way to the top spot.

As everyone knows, there are only 3 spots who will walk away with money.

The action at the VPL is beyond words.........some good and some not so good.

One thing for sure, it's never boring.

From the bad beats to the incredible one outers on the river.

It's guaranteed that at the end of the tournament you will always be talking about the action.

Okay people!!!!!

Let's get this show on the road.

The first four names are what we call the bubble list:

Joe, Mark, James and Alan

The person will the honor of popping the bubble is................Mark.

Now we are officially in the money.

Joe, James and Alan

The only person is out of this list who has not qualified is Alan.

Who will go out 3rd?

As always, I have an answer for that question..........

Leaving the table in 3rd place, with a win of $43 was............Joe.

Heads-Up: James and Alan

this battle pits two veterans of the felt. Each with their own unique style of play.

When the dust settled and the smoke cleared, we crowned a winner for week 4.

Coming in 2nd place, with a win of $72 was.........................James

Winning 1st place and $144 was Alan.

Congratulations to Alan for qualifying for the TOC.

What will the last 4 weeks bring?

Who knows?

Come and play and find out.

Good luck everyone.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Season 30 Week 3

This week the VPL hit the trifecta:

Once again the number of people at the felt was...............18.

This week the tournament wasn't so quickly finished.

The time on the clock when the tournament ended was past 12:30am.

With any and all tournaments we have the infamous bubble list.

And you know that this week is no different.

Let's get on with the show. The following names are on the first list:

James, Joe, Alan and Mark.

The lucky person out in place number 4 was Mark.

The money list: James, Alan and Joe

Three veterans of the VPL are going to battle to see who has it to be the one who ends up with all the chips.

This list contains one previous qualifier.....James.

We know that there will be at least one new qualifier (maybe two).

Going out in 3rd place with a win of $43 was...........................Joe.

that means that for the 2nd time in a row James will be heads up.

This week he will be facing Alan.

This was a pretty quick battle.

Finishing week 2 in 2nd place with a win of $72 was James.

That means the victory for week two with a win of $144 belonged to Alan.

Congratulations to Alan for qualifying for the TOC.

How will the half way point of the season end?

You know what to do to find out.

Good luck everyone.

Season 30 Week 2

The numbers were exactly the same as week 1.

We had 18 players came together and each one of them brought their A game.

For some it was good enough for others......well they might need to go back to the drawing board.

This week the tournament ended pretty early, around 11:40.

We had 3 players go home with cash and 15 who didn't.

Along with those players with money there was that one player who popped the bubble.

Which brings us all to the bubble list with the following names:

Michelle, TC, Janna and James.

Who was the one with the magic pin this week....................................

And the answer is.................................Michelle.

The following left the tournament tonight with money:

Janna, James and TC.

The next person out in 3rd place with a win of $43 was.............Janna.

Heads up: James and TC.

This was a good battle but in end there could only be one.

Going out in 2nd place with a win of $72 and a seat at the TOC was.....James.

That means that week 2, with a win of $144 and a seat at the TOC was..TC.

Congratulations to TC and James for becoming the next two to qualify for the TOC.

Good luck everyone.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Season 30

A very nice way to start season 30.

this week there were 18 people who came together, not to sing Kumbya, but to play this game we call poker.

VPL has boasted 29 full seasons of poker and now we are starting season 30.

The action this week was fast and furious. Early exits were very suprising.

But let's get straight into the action.

The bubble list:

Alan, Michelle, Joe and Steve.

Where there is a bubble list, there is the person with the magic pin.

This week the person with that pin, going out in 4th place was...............Michelle.

Which brings us to the money list:

Joe, Alan and Steve.

Who will be our first two qualifiers for season 30?

3 veterans of the VPL battle it out for the qualifying spots.

In 3rd place, with a win of $43 was.............................Alan.

With this exit we are now heads-up.

Joe and Steve.

This was quite the battle but when there are two players we will have a 1st and 2nd place.

Going out in 2nd place, qualifying for the TOC, with a win of $72 was Steve.
That means season 30 week 1, with a win of $144 belongs to Joe.

Congratulations to Joe and Steve for being the first two qualifiers.

Who will be next?

Come and find out.

Good luck to everyone!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Season 29 Week 7

Can you believe it, 19 players sat down together in a some-what casual manner to play some poker.

This week the Valdez Casino, once again, hosted the Valley Poker League.

This week caused the points race to get tighter.

Next week will determine who will win points for season 29.

It could also determine who will be leading POY points.

As you turn to the right the POY have been updated to week 7.

Surprising early exists made the final table a very strange experience.

So this week the bubble list contains the following names:

Tory, Steve, Andy and David P

This week.............for the 3rd time in a row........popping the bubble was..........Andy.

Money time:

David P, Steve and our first timer, Tory.

Two previous qualifiers and a new member.

Can the new member qualify his first time at the VPL?

Will there be two previous qualifiers fighting it heads up?

The answer is: coming in 3rd place, winning $48 was......................Tory.

Heads-Up: Steve and David P

These two are previous qualifiers.

Due to the immense chip lead, this had to be one of the quickest heads up:

Coming in 2nd place, with a win of $60 was Steve.

To the victor go the 1st, with a win of $120 was David P.

What will happen in week 8.

Will there be new qualifiers?

Only one way to find out, come and play.

Good luck everyone.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Season 29 Week 6

This week two full tables of great poker action.

That's right folks, not 4, not 8 but 16 players put up their hard earned money for their chance to qualify for the TOC.

Because the numbers are a little lighter than normal that means that the race to the points winner is that much tighter.

I do have to apologize for the late entries for the blog.

These last few weeks have been crazy, but better late than never.

Okay now on with the show.

This week, 25% of the players were on the bubble list (and who said you would never use math in your life).

Bubble list:

Steven, Andy, Joe and Janna

So who was it this week?

Who had the magic pin?

Okay, so if you read last week's blog then you already know the answer cuz it's the same person.

This week, going out in 4th place was Andy.

That means that this week the following people left the VPL all with money in their pockets.

Joe Steve and Janna

So leaving the table in 3rd place with a win of $38 was Steve.

Heads-Up: Joe and Janna

My money is on the person who's name starts with a J.

This was a good battle. low stack coming back for the win.

Who was it?.......................keep reading.

This was a story of two different people with two different styles of play.

That story begins with....................oh wait, that's for another day.

Let's get back to this.

So, going out in 2nd place with a win of $64 was............................Janna.

So that means in 1st place with his 2nd win this season and a cash prize of $128 was Joe.

Joe has already qualified.

Congratulations to Janna for qualifying for the TOC.

There has only been 1 double qualifier this season.....Joe.

Only two more weeks left in the season.

The POY points have not been update, just the weekly points.

Hold your horses they will get current.

Good luck everyone.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Season 29 Week 5

This week the attendance numbers dipped a bit but not the poker action.

Week 5 brought together 17 players to play this game we call poker.

Two tables of great poker action...........okay there were two tables as for the great part.........well you know it's the VPL so anything is possible.

If you want to see crazy plays and even crazier reasons to justify plays come to Valdez Casino and join the VPL.

Let's start at the bubble list.

This week 3 players got paid so the following names made the list:

Steve, Randy, Andy and Jeremy

Finishing in 4th place, and popping the bubble was Andy.

Money list:

Randy, Jeremy and Steve

Exiting the table with a 3rd place win and $40 was Jeremy

Steve and Randy

With any game there is a 2nd and 1st, we are no exception.

Finishing in 2nd place with a win of $68 was Randy.

That means the the victory of week 5 belongs to Steve with a win of $136.

Congratulations to both Randy and Steve for qualifying for the TOC

On a side note, Randy hasn't been able to play in the VPL for quite a while, then on his first week back he qualifies.

What will happen next week, who knows?

Good luck to everyone.

Season 29 Week 4

So late (Iknow).

There were 21 players this week for their shot at glory.

This will be fast and furious and directly to the point.

Bubble list:

James, Joe, Janna, David P and Bill

going out in 5th place and popping the bubble was Janna

that means the money list:

James, Bill, Joe and David P

Leaving the table in 4th place was Joe

Three left: David P, James and Bill

3rd place belonged to James.


David P and Bill

Finishing week 4 in 2nd place was Bill

that means that week 4 belonged to David P.

Congratulations to both Bill and David P for qualifying for the TOC.

Good Luck everyone.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Season 29 Week 3

Another great week at the VPL.

For another week there were 4 places paid.

Week 3 had 22 people show up to see who had it to find their way to the final table and take the top prize.

Of course, at the VPL you can expect to find crazy draws, even crazier calls.

Someone will play their cards all the way to the river in hopes of hitting that inside straight.

Some will only play Aces, Kings or Queens.

Either way it's always a minefield to find your way to the top.

But for the next few on our list they have a shot at glory.

Those are: James, Steve, Bill, Jeremy and TC.

The first to leave the bubble list was Steve.

Now we are in the money.
James, Jeremy, Bill and TC

Next to leave their seat, in 4th place with a win of $28 was Bill.

Now who will be next to qualify.

Out of the following three names: TC, Jeremy and James, only James has previously qualified.

So who was it that went out in 3rd place with a win of $35.............that answer is James.

We are now heads up: TC and Jeremy

We now have two new qualifiers for the TOC.

After getting caught bluffing and then losing a AK to 10-10, going out in 2nd place with a win of $88 was TC.

That brings us to this week's winner. Finishing in 1st place with a win of $176 was Jeremy.

Congratulations to TC and Jeremy for qualifying for the TOC.

What will happen next time?

Will there be new qualifiers?

You know the drill, come next week and find out.

Good luck everyone.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Season 29 Week 2

This week marks the 5th Anniversary of the VPL.

Something must have been in the air.

This week there were a total of 26 people coming together for their shot at victory.

There also was alot of craziness.

On one hand there were four people all-in at once.

At the end of the hand there was only one winner...........and that winner took out all three of the other all-ins.

3 out in one hand.

The tournament ended when the blinds were 1,000-2,000

I want to thank everyone who has come and played with us at the VPL.

I think that 5 years says says that's alot of damn poker.

But this is far from the end.

I can't wait until we are celebrating 10yrs of playing.

Okay back to business.

Because there were 26 players, that means that 4 players got paid this week.

The 5 names one the bubble list are:

David P, Jeremy, Quentin, James and Brandon.

Okay going all the way to 5th place and getting paid as much as the person in 26th place

was Jeremy.

So now the money list:

Quentin, David P, Brandon and James

going out in 4th place with a win of $33 was David P.

And then there was 3.

So next to exit the table, going out in 3rd place with a win of $41 was Quentin.

Heads-up: Brandon and James

These two are veterans of the VPL and their play showed it.

But alas, there can only be one................

Finishing his week 2, qualifying for the TOC with a win of $104 was James.

So to the victor go the spoils, winning week 2 and qualifying for the TOC with a win of $204 was Brandon.

Congratulations to the two new qualifiers.

What will the next 5 years bring?

Well if it's based on the past 5 years....................alot of poker action for sure!

Good luck to everyone.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Season 29 Week 1

This is the beginning of Season 29.

The VPL has descent numbers of attendants.

This week there was two full tables of poker action.

16 people came together to put their money and skill on the line.

Some have described the VPL as the craziest game in town.

How will season 29 turnout, no one can know.

However, I can tell you that if you continue to read, you will find out how Week 1 ended up.

Ok, let's start we the action always starts.....bubble time.

This week there were four names on that list:

Isaiah, Joe, David SL and Clay.

This week the magic pin to pop the bubble belonged to David SL.

That brings us to the money list:

Clay, Joe and Isaiah

This week going out in 3rd place with a win of $38, making his debut at the VPL was Isaiah.

We are now heads-up:
Joe and Clay

Congratulations to both Joe and Clay for becoming the first two players to qualify for the TOC.

Both of these players are veterans of the VPL and they both have the skills to win.

the question is who had the skills this week.

So we have our 2nd place finisher, winning $64 was Clay.

So that means that the winner of Week 1 earning himself $128 was Joe.

Joe won points last season and now starts the lead of season 29.

Can Joe win points again?

Only one way to find out, come next week and play and see who takes it.

Good Luck everyone.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Season 28 Week 8

Season 28 Week 8

Now this week was very different.

Last week the VPL had 15 players come.

Now Tuesday had to be the ugliest day because of the cold and snow.

I almost cancelled Tuesday. I remember the last time I cancelled a game because of snow I caught hell for 3 weeks after.

When it comes to the VPL only the unexpected is the only thing that can be counted on.

People called and asked “how many you think will be coming” I would answer a dozen tops.

With the worst day, weather wise, turned out to be the best day attendance wise.

The final week of season 28 had 21 people show up to play poker.

Before I start I would like to send out a big congratulations to Joe and Angela for having their baby.

They had a baby girl, Gianna (I hope I spelled it right). She came a little earlier than expected………..but so did Joe. LOL. Congratulations.

By the slimmest of margins (2pts to be exact) Joe squeezed out a points win for the season with a total of 107 but right behind him was Clay with 105.

For his victory, Joe will be claiming a prize of $247.00

Now back to the action.

This week there were 4 players on the payroll.

That means there were five names on the bubble list and they are as follows:

Mark, James, Tim R Clay and Janna

Coming in 5th place with pin in hand to pop the bubble was James.

That means 4 in the money:

Tim R, Mark, Janna and Clay

Coming in 4th place with a win of $26 was Mark.

With the 3 names left only one previous qualifier. Clay.

Next to exit the table in 3rd place with a win of $33 was Tim R.

That brings us to heads-up and one new qualifier:

Clay and Janna

So finishing in 2nd place with a win of $84 was Janna.

Congratulations to Clay for winning week 8 with a win of $168.

There will be 13 names at the TOC.

What will season 29 bring?

More bad weather to bring more players?

Who knows.

Good luck everyone.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Season 28 Week 7

This is Season 28 Week 7.

That means that this is one week closer to the Season 28 Tournament of Champions.

This week was a mixture of skill, luck and some downright crazy play.

But who am I kidding, we are talking about the VPL where things like that happen all the time.

Let's get on with the rest of the story.

This week the VPL was host to 15 players.

You never know when a tournament will end, but it's always guaranteed to be full of action.

After week 7, what are the standings with the points, the Player of the Year?

Just keep reading...........

Let's start with the lucky four names on the bubble list.

TC, Brandon, Bill and David SL.

Bowing out gracefully in 4th place was.....................Brandon.

Next list...............the money list:

Bill, David SL and TC

This list contains two previous qualifiers, Bill and David SL.

The all-in and call leaves us with our 3rd place finisher.

With a win of $36 and in 3rd place was Bill.

Heads-Up: TC and David SL

Congratulations to TC for qualify for season 28 TOC.

With an all-in from TC with A 3 got a quick call from David SL with an A 8

Nothing hit by the river and the kicker held up.

Coming in 2nd place with a win of $60 was TC.

Which means that winning this week with $120 and his 2nd chip was David SL.

Well look to the right to see Season 28 points as well as Player of the Year points.

The points race just got tighter.

How will it end up next week?

Next week we will find out who will win Season 28 points.

Good luck everyone.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Season 28 Week 6

Season 28 Week 6

This week we had two full tables of crazy poker action.

This week there were 17 players who each ponied up $21 for their shot at victory.

We saw a face that VPL hasn’t seen in over 3 years.

One of the founding players, Chris Weir, stopped in for his shot at money.

Of course we have two different races that are happening a the same time.

We have the weekly points race along with the Player of the Year.

Points race is always close and comes down to the last week.

This season is no exception.

The POY leader board seems to be changing on a weekly basis.

Stay tuned for the outcome of both those races.

Now we start off with 4 players remaining.

Those players are Michelle, Joe, David SL and Clay

Now only 3 players get paid this week.

Who is the infamous one to pop the bubble.

Well this week, going out in 4th place was………Michelle.

That means the next list is the money list:

Clay, David SL and Joe

Out of this list, Clay is the only one who has not previously qualified.

Next to leave the table in 3rd place with a win of $40 was David SL

That leaves us with heads-up: Joe and Clay

Joe has previously qualified.

Congratulations to Clay for qualifying.

This heads up didn’t last very long.

Coming in 2nd place, with a win of $68 was Joe.

Week 6 belonged to Clay. Clay finished first this week with a win of $136.

How will this season end? You will have to wait and see.

Good luck everyone.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Season 28 Week 5

This week the VPL was host to 15 of the valley's best poker players.

The action is always crazy at the VPL whether there are 25 people or 10.

You never know what is going to happen.

Now with the POY race, that just adds another goal to race for.

Two tables of great poker action.

Let's start this out where we always do.

the bubble list:

All of the following names (but one) made money this week.

Michelle, Tim R, Brandon and Bill

The one person who went out in 4th place was.............Tim R.

That means the following names had a little cash in their pocket at the end of the night.

Brandon, Michelle and Bill

There will be two new qualifiers this week..........but which names will have a Q next to their names?

Going out in 3rd place with a win of $30 was Michelle.

Heads-Up and the two new qualifiers are: Brandon and Bill

My money is on the guy whose name starts with a B to win.

Let's see......................

Okay, going out in 2nd place with a win of $60 and a place at the TOC is...........Bill.

That means that this weeks winner has 100 POY pts, a seat at the TOC and $120 is Brandon.

Congratulations to Brandon and Bill for qualifying.

the points race is very close and so is the POY race.

What will happen in week 6?

You know the drill...............come and play and find out.

Good luck everyone.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Season 28 Week 4

We are now officially 1/2 way through Season 28.

This week the snow and cold did not deter the hardcore players of the VPL.

With the temperatures plummeting below the zero mark, 19 players made their way for week 4.

This week's points leader was MIA.

The big question was what type of play could we expect to see tonight.

It didn't take long for the action to get crazy.

all-in trips were broken up by an inside catch on the need to mention names here.

But let's get back to the action at hand.

This is also week #2 for the Player of the Year.

This week, the four names on the bubble list were: Jared, Brandon, Joe and Jeremy

This was a very interesting position because an unfortunate hand popped the bubble.

At this point, Jared was the short stack.

Brandon was on the bubble.

Brandon moved all-in and was called by Jeremy in the BB

Brandon showed AK
Jeremy showed AQ

Looked like a locked hand until the rive when the Q hit.

Jeremy had more chips and Brandon went out in 4th place.

Jared sqeeked into the money.

Money time: Jared, Joe and Jeremy

the triple J's

At this point, Jared still was short stacked and left the table in 3rd place with a win of $45.

Heads-Up: Joe and Jeremy

My money is on the guy who's name starts with J.

As always, the clock is stopped for dedicated dealer.

At this time, these guys were discussing a chop.

This took a few minutes to come up with an agreeable amount.

Finally they did.

the prize pool at this time, was $228.

Jeremy had the chip lead so, it was agreed upon a $128 and $100 split with $128 going to Jeremy.

They are now playing for the chip and points.

This was a very entertaining heads up simply because both of these players couldn't keep from going any hand without talking about it.

One major hand was when Jeremy's AK bet Joe out of a pot when he had 44.

No AK had hit.

The final hand went something like this:

Joe in the SB and Jeremy in the BB

Joe min raises.

Jeremy calls

the flop comes A 10 10.

Jeremy checks and then Joe moves all-in

Joe shows KK and Jeremy shows 7 10.

nothing helps on the turn or the river.

This week's 2nd place finisher was Joe

The chip went to our week 4 winner Jeremy.

don't forget to keep track of the POY pts on the right.

Let's see everyone next week.

Good luck everyone.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Season 28 Week 3

Season 28 Week 3

This week 17 players ponied up their $21 to have a seat at the best place to play poker this side of the Arkansas River.

This week begins the run for Player of the Year.

Top ten every week get points:


There is the running list of POY points running on the sidebar.

I have to comment on this week plays.

I know I don’t watch the NFL however this week the NFL had nothing on this week’s catches at the VPL.

I’m talking everything from catching an inside straight draw to catching runner runner for a flush. Not to forget catching the miracle card on the river to win a hand.

Normally this description is typical over all at the VPL, however, this week all these catches went to one person.

That person is David SL. The catches this guy caught were unbelievable.

All the above examples were catches that Dave caught throughout the night.

How is the 1st week of 2011?

Crazy is one word for it but let’s just start with the bubble list:

Dave SL, Michelle, Alex and Jeremy.

17 players means that 3 get paid.

4th place belonged to Jeremy with 55 points going toward POY.

Now we have the first group of money winners for 2011:

Dave SL, Michelle and Alex

With 60 pts for POY, $40 and a 3rd place finish, Michelle had to leave this group.

Heads-up: Alex and Dave SL

Dave SL had previous qualified for TOC.

Congratulations to Alex for becoming the next qualifier for the TOC.

Let’s talk about the final hand of the game.

At this point, Dave SL is chip leader.

Alex on the button.

Alex says All-In………Dave thinks and “I’m tired” and calls.

Alex shows 55 and Dave SL K3

The following may not be the exact board but the outcome is the same.

Going into this battle Alex is leading Dave.

Board ends up showing:

7 9 J turn 7 and then rivers a J

By the board double pairing, counterfeits Alex’s pocket pair and with the board having the highest two pair, Dave wins the hand and the game with the biggest kicker.

This is the final example of Dave’s infamous card catching.

Alex leaves the table in 2nd place with 75 pts for POY , a seat at the TOC and $68.

Davis SL wins the tournament with 100pts for POY and $136.

He also won the chip which he has been on a mission for a very long time.

Is this the sign of what will come in 2011?

No one knows but the one thing I do know is that you will have to come next week and play to find out.

The seasons points are in the sidebar.

The points are very close. Only 2 pts separate 1st and 2nd.

Come and play and get the POY points.

Good luck to everyone.

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