Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Season 22 Week 4

Halfway through season 22.

Despite the weather and being so close to Christmas the VPL hosted 19 players.

All 19 players were eligible for the "on-time" bonus.

The river was very cruel this week for some players.

At the VPL, you never know until the last card is laid down.

Since we had 19 players, there were 4 spots divided out.

The top 3 players received cash.

The 4th place went to the TOC/points.

Because there was no 5th place, no money went to the Holiday Invitational.

The VPL wants to give a shout out to one of the original players.

Santos gave a surprise when he showed up to play.

He started playing with us when the league was at the Hangovers Bar in Swink.

Enough with the schmoozing, let's get it started and read about why we are really here.

The bubble list.

Alex, Slugger, Santos and Todd.

This week, the pin to pop the buble was imported all the way from Kansas.

That's right, Santos finished his evening in 4th place.

Money list: Slugger, Alex and Todd

You know what's coming next.

Whenever there is a 4th place, it is always followed by a 3rd place.

This week Slugger went out in 3rd place with a win of $48.

Heads-Up: Alex and Todd

This is interesting because Alex took a little time off from the VPL and on his first night back, he qualifies for the TOC.

The tournament ended 400/800.

In 2nd place, qualifying for the TOC with a win of $80 was Alex.

Season 22 week 4 belong to Todd.

Todd's 1st place finish this week earned him a place in the TOC, the chip as well as $161.

We will see what week 5 has in store for the VPL.

Until then, may you all have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Come join us for the last tournament of 2009 on December 29, 2009.

Good luck

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Season 22 Week 3

The numbers weren't as big but the action is always on the highest level.

This week brought a total of 21 players to sit down for the fight to victory.

The VPL will always continue to bring the best poker action in the valley.

When there are 21 or more players the money pot is broken down the following way:

1st - paid
2nd - paid
3rd - paid
4th - points/TOC
5th - Holiday Invitational.

The 4 names on the bubble list this week include: James, David, James and Alan.

After some creative raises, bluffs and all around crazy plays brings us to the person who popped the bubble.

That person was Steve.

At this point the following players have made some money:

David, James and Alan

Next to leave the poker table was James with a win of $35.

Heads-up: David and Alan

After the all-in and a call, left a winner.

Coming in 2nd place with a win of $89 was David.

The winner of week 3 was Alan with the chip and a win of $178.

congratulations to both David and Alan for being the next two players to qualify for the TOC.

Good luck next week.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Season 22 Week 2

We started off week 1 (season 22) with a record number of people (25).

This set off a change in the seating. 24 paid players (along with 3 dead hands) will be
the maximum numbers of players at one time. The 25th player coming into the VPL will
have to wait until someone gets busted out. I know this didn't happen this week but that
was because I miscounted.

That record would not stand for very long. This week, season 22 week 2, once again set a new attendance record with 26 people.

This also has set a new record payoff of $221.00.

This week also started the countdown to the Holiday Invitational 2010.

This tournament is roughly scheduled for:

Sunday December 5, 2010 @ 2:00.

The buy-in will be the regular $21 along with the invitation.

You will need 20 tickets to get an invitation. Every paid entry into the VPL (not including the TOC) will earn you 1 ticket.

Old payout system: 21 or more people
1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th got paid and the 5th went to the TOC/points.

New system: 21 or more people
1st, 2nd, and 3rd get paid, 4th will go to the TOC/points and 5th will go to the Holiday Invitational.

This causes more money for the TOC/points. (because it's the 4th place not 5th that goes to this pot).

NOW: down to the business why we are all here reading this!

Season 22 Week 2 Bubble time:

Jeremy, George, James and Clay

This week James had to say goodbye to the VPL in 4th place busting the bubble.

Money time: Jeremy, Clay and George

There will be two new qualifiers to the TOC.

Next to see his way off the felt with a win of $44 was George.

Heads-Up: Clay and Jeremy

This was quite the battle.

This week also proved to be one of the longest tournaments (I know, duh, the most people)

This tournament ended with the blinds of 800 -1,600.

One new level of blinds have been added. After 1000 -2000 will be 1,500 - 3,000.

In the end, there stood only 1.

in 2nd place with a win of $110 was Jeremy.

That means, Clay was the winner of week 2. His good play earned him the chip, and a record payout of $221.00.

Congratulations to Clay and Jeremy for qualifying for the TOC.

Will the VPL get any bigger? Only one way to find have to come and play.

Good luck everyone.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Season 22 Week 1

Last season was the biggest season of the VPL to date.

As always, the VPL doesn't hold back in hosting the very best in poker.

December 1, 2009 proved to be history in the making, once again breaking an attendance record.

That's right, week 1 was host to a total of 25 poker players.

Because of this big number 2 new rules have been implemented:

1: when the 2nd color-up is finished. The blinds will be 200-400 with the blinds being 20 minutes.
2: When 3 tables are full (8 physical players with a dead hand) the 25 player will become an alternate and have to wait until a seat opens up.
Pre-paid players will be considered physical players. No more than nine hands per table (8 physical and 1 dead hand)
The 7:15 bonus is always in effect. The 7:15 will be marked by the cable box on top of the T.V. at Valdez Casino.

Let's get down to the action.

This week was 25 players with 2 regulars not showing up.

Big poker means big risks and bigger rewards.

The bubble contained the following names: Slugger, Janice, Joe, Jeremy and Alan

The next person out would get paid as much as the first person out--------Zero!

Unfortunately that person was Jeremy.

However, the effort was not for nothing. Exiting the table in 5th place he has earned 21 points.

Money time included: Janice, Slugger, Joe and Alan

The next person to leave the table in 4th place, 23 points and and win of $34 was Alan.

Now it was Janice's turn to say goodbye to week 1. Her effort earned her 3rd place, 25 points and a win of $42.

Heads-up: Slugger vs Joe

Congratulations to both of these players to be the first two to qualify for the TOC.

In 2nd place, with 25 poins and a win of $106 was Slugger.

That means that Joe was the winner of week 1 earning himself 27 points, the chip and $212.

This week's payout also set a record for a 1st place payout during the season.

This also makes the first time that two players received more than $100 in a single week.

Thanks to everyone who has helped make the VPL what it is today.

The maximum capacity has been met. Let's make an effort to always fill it.

Good luck to everyone next week.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

$15 Re-buy tournament

Here it is:

Mark Maes will be host to a $15 re-buy tournament.

1220 Edison (in the garage)

Friday (11-27-09) nite 7:30

starting chips: $1,500

$5 add-0n for $500 in chips at the break for anyone.

There will be a $500 chip bonus for anyone who shows up by 7:15.

You must lose all your chips in order to re-buy.

Re-buy period is good through the first three levels.

Blinds are 30 minutes

end of rebuy period and a $5 add on

Season 21 Tournament of Champions

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

I would like to say that I am thankful for everyone because it is all of us combined which makes the Valley Poker League.

We finished off quite a season. Season 21 had big numbers and even bigger payouts.

But it is all the hard work that gets us to the conveted Tournament of Champions.

This season there were 14 players who qualified for the TOC.

Unlike past seasons, everyone showed up. Some even early enough to receive the bonus chips.

This was quite the battle.

The 1st person to leave the table didn't get up until the very last hand right before the break at 15-30.

After some daring plays and big bluffs we arrive at the bubble.

This week the five names on the bubble were:

Joe, Mark, Alan, TC and Clay

It was Alan who popped the bubble for season 21's TOC.

Money time:

TC, Clay, Mark and Joe

Money presentation was a little different this season:

When everyone was in the money, it was brought out on a tray ready in bundles.

4 bundles represented each place......................every payout in $1 bills.

Coming into the money there were two previous bracelet winners (Clay and TC each going for their 3rd) and two players playing for their first bracelet (Joe and Mark).

In 4th place with a win of $72 was TC.

At this point Clay was shooting for his 3rd bracelet.

It wasn't in the cards for Clay this TOC as he exited the table in 3rd place with a win of $109.

Heads-up: Joe and Mark

There will be a new champion.

2nd place belonged to Joe with a win of $181.

With his new bracelet, Mark won the Tournament of Champions for season 21.

His efforts earned him $362.00

Congratulations to all the qualifiers.

Hope to see everyone for season 22.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This is to clarify any misconceptions about the bonus:

Here it is:

To be eligible for the one time bonus ($200 chips) you have to be in the house by 7:15 or have pre-paid. Anyone coming in after 7:15 is not eligible.

We draw for seats at 7:30.

Any questions feel free to consult with the Tournament Director.

This also includes the Tournament of Champions

Good Luck.

Season 21 Week 8

This is it! The last week of season 21. What a season it has been.

This season came down to week 8 to decide a couple of things:

1. the points race was decided in this week.
2. the 2nd of the top two non qualifiers were in contention to qualify (coming into this the difference was only 1 point)

This week had everything from dominating hands to insane catches on the river.

This season was the first season that 6 people received over 100 points. Last season 5 people received over 100 points.

To finish off season 21 the VPL had 22 people who gave it their all for their last chance at glory.

There are 14 people qualified for the Tournament of Champions. Those names will be listed later.

Coming into this week, the points difference between 3 people were 5.

Those people included: James, Joe and Clay

The two non-qualifiers were: Angela and Jeremy. Coming into this race, Jeremy was leading TC by only 1 point.

With 22 people on 3 tables it's all about survival.

That's why it was so surprising to see Jeremy leave his table with 2 points.

Joe saw his way out of the points race when he had to say good bye with 5 points.

Bubble time:
Quentin, James, Alan, Frank and TC

Who had the pin for the bubble.................................................

This week it was Frank who popped the bubble going out in 5th place.

Money time: Quentin, TC, Alan and James

Going out in 4th place was James with a win of $31.

Out comes the sleeper of the group.

After a pre-mature celebration, it was calculated that if Alan were to win week 8 he would tie James in points for a split.

Three way action TC, Quentin and Alan

Two previous qualifiers were Quentin and Alan

Chips were thrown in the pot and raked.

This week's number 3 spot belonged to........................Alan

Alan exited the table in 3rd place with a win of $39.

With Alan's 3rd place finish meant that James sealed the deal with a points win.

For his efforts, James will collect $296 at the TOC.

Heads-Up: Quentin and TC

At one point, Quentin was down to less than 5 blinds (I believe in was when we were on the bubble).

Quentin has an amazing staying power. Never count Quentin out.

At the end of the game, there was a 1st place and a 2nd place.......................
(Thanks captain obvious.)

This week 2nd place belonged to Quentin. With his 2nd place he earned himself $97.

That means that TC won week 8 with the chip and $187.

Here another thing: By TC qualifying this week means that Jeremy inched his way into the TOC by points.

There will be 14 players next week at the TOC:

James, Clay, Alan, Frank, TC, Joe, Randy, Angela, Janna, Jeremy, Mark, Quentin
Bill and Andrew

Congratulations to TC for winning this week.

Congratulations to James for winning points.

Who will take season 21's Tournament of Champions?

You know the have to come and see.

Also: the 7:15 rule is in effect. Be at the house by 7:15 and receive $200 bonus in starting chips.

NOT BEFORE 7:30 but by 7:15.

Good Luck everyone and hope to see everyone out for season 22.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

$15 Re-buy tournament

Here it is:

Mark Maes will be host to a $15 re-buy tournament.

1220 Edison (in the garage)

Friday (11-13-09) nite 7:30

starting chips: $1,500

$5 add-0n for $500 in chips at the break for anyone.

There will be a $500 chip bonus for anyone who shows up by 7:15.

You must lose all your chips in order to re-buy.

Re-buy period is good through the first three levels.

Blinds are 30 minutes

end of rebuy period and a $5 add on

Season 21 Week 7

As always, the VPL doesn't disappoint when it comes to great poker action.

I want to thank everyone who made it on time and received the $200 bonus.

This week could be the pivotal week for the points race. With only more week to go, the points race is very tight.

That also means that with only one more week to go that will be everyone's last chance to qualify for the TOC.

This week the VPL hosted 23 people. Almost hit a new attendance record because two regulars didn't show up.

Because of the high attendance, that means that an extra spot is added to the payout.

The bubble list contained the following members:

George, Heather, Andrew, Janna and Frank

It was one of the people this week who had the pin to pop the bubble. That's right, Heather went out in 5th place.

On that note, it brings us to the money:
Andrew, George, Frank and Janna

Next to leave the table was Frank in 4th place with a win of $31.

With three people left (George, Andrew and Janna) there will be at least one new qualifier for the TOC because Janna qualified in week 6.

Going out in 3rd place and popping the qualifying bubble was George. His 3rd place finish earned him $39.

Heads-Up: Andrew and Janna

In any race, there is always a 1st place finish and a 2nd place finish.

When the final card was placed down at the river...............................

It was Andrew who came up with a 2nd place finish and $97.

That means this weeks winner, with the chip and an amazing payout of $195 was Janna.

Congratulations to Andrew for being the latest person to qualify for the TOC.

Congratulations to Janna for being heads-up two weeks in a row.

Who will win the points?

Who will qualify by points?

Only one way to know..........come back next week and see.

Good luck to everyone!

Jared Miles video

Here is a link to a video that Jared Miles made for Jess Whatley who qualified for a chance to play for Pokerstars Million dollar challenge.

This is the audition video that is needed to be chosen.

Click on the link to view the video.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


It has now been decided that anyone who shows up by 7:15 will get an "ON TIME" bonus of an additional $200 in starting chips.

This also means that anyone who pre-pays their buy-in will also get that bonus.

Any questions regarding this bonus can be answered by the tournament director (ME!)

Good luck

Season 21 Week 6

We have now completed 3/4 of Season 21.

What a season it has been. We've had bad beats, suckouts at the river and crazy bluffs.

That is what the VPL delivers........................excellent (sometimes crazy) poker playing.

This week the VPL was host to 21 players. With 21 players, means 4 places paid.

The points race has heated up. It's getting close. Another player has inched his way into contention. You can see that name to the right.

Let's not hesitate. Let's start off with the list.

What list?........................the bubble list.

Week 6 contains 5 names: Jeremy, Bill, Alan S, Frank and Janna

The pin to pop the bubble this week came all the way from Bent county.

It was Alan S, who popped the bubble and left the table in 5th place.

So that means the remaining 4 names have made the money:

Jeremy, Bill, Janna and Frank

A 5th place finish is always followed by a 4th place finish.

Nothing different at the VPL. In 4th place with a win of $28 was Bill.

I'm sure everyone who comes to the VPL knows how to count (that maybe a questionable statement).

We are now on the buble to qualify: At this point, there will be two new qualifiers.

These three people have not previously qualified: Janna, Frank and Jeremy.

The person who popped the qualifying bubble was.............................Jeremy.

That's right, it was Jeremy who saw that it was his final hand when he left the table in 3rd place with a win of $35.

Heads-Up: Janna and Frank.

Very well played match. In the end there can only be 1.

So that means that in 2nd place with a win of $89 was................................Janna.

To the victor go the spoils. Congratulations to Frank for winning the chip and $178.

Congratulations to Frank and Janna for qualifying for the TOC for season 21.

Have to give props to Frank because not only did he outlast 20 other players for the win but he did with some crazy railbirding (I have to admit that I was one of those railbirds).

There are now 10 qualified players for the TOC. Also a tie, for the 2nd spot of the non-qualifiers.

Can Joe keep up his points lead?.....................

Everyone knows the answer to that question.......................................

You have to come next week to find out.

Same bat time, Same bat channel.

Good luck to everyone next week.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Season 21 Week 5

This week was a bit cozier at the VPL.

There were 19 people who put it on the line for their shot at victory and fame.

Some regulars didn't show up..................I think they were scared!

Everyone knows that the poker at the VPL can be very volatile.

Week 5 provided two full tables of great poker action.

Without any further distractions:

Bubble time:
This weeks list contained 4 names:

This list also contains only 1 previous qualifer (Mark).

There will be at least one new qualifer.

Frank, Randy, Mark and Alan

It was Randy who left the table in 4th place.

That means the next list contains.................$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Frank, Mark and Alan

The winner of $48 and 3rd place was Frank.

Heads-Up: Mark and Alan

Thanks to Frank for dealing the heads-up match.

The chip lead kept changing hands in this competition.

The tournament ended at 400/800.

In 2nd place with a tournament earnings of $80 was............................Alan

That means in 1st place, the chip, and $161 was Mark.

Congratulations to Alan for being the next person to qualify for the TOC.

The points race just got a little tighter this week.

Joe is only ahead by 2 points with 3 more weeks left in the season.

Can Clay catch Joe?

Will Joe win the seasons points?

Will there be any new qualifiers?

Do these questions remind anyone of the TV show SOAP.

If you answered yes, then you are showing your true age.

Those of you born after 1987 don't have a clue about the reference. HA HA!

Good luck to everyone next week.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Season 21 Week 4

Half way through season 21 at the VPL with 22 people who took their chances and sat down to play this game we call poker.

This week was truly the game of poker, this weeks heads-up battle was one of the craziest that we have seen to date.

I want to thank everyone who comes before 7:15. We have been able to draw for seats at 7:30.

As soon as we get 10 physical players we draw for first two tables. Kudos for everyone who was on time. Of course the more the merrier at 7:15.

Now onto the report.

This week we start the story off with 5 names: Bill, Joe, Clay, David and Cory

This week the person who went out in 5th place was David.

Coming into the bubble was with an extremely short stack was Joe. Some creative playing and folding, he was able to squeak into the money. Nice playing.

Money time: Bill, Joe, Cory and Clay

With a 5th place already being filled, we now have to fill the 4th place slot.

Don't worry, the VPL doesn't disappoint. We have a name for 4th. That name is Cory.

Exiting the table in 4th place, Cory won $29

It was then time for Joe to say goodbye in 3rd place with a win of $37.

Heads-up: Bill and Clay

Clay has previously qualified and Bill is a new qualifier.

This heads up was wild. There would be an all-in and a call, only to be saved by the river.

This happened to both players. In this heads up battle it seemed that you wanted the worst hand going into it because it was that hand that would hit.

at this point, there are around $22,000 in play. At any one time it wasn't surprising to see one person bet $8,000 only to have it re-raised all-in and called.

The heads-up battle lasted quite a long time.

The tournament ended at 500/1000 at around 1:15am.

In the end, there can only be one.

This week, having to settle for 2nd place with a win of $93 was Bill.

That's right! It was Clay who was victorious in week 4 with a win of $187.

With this win, Clay's VPL winnings for 2009 have exceeded $2,000.

Congratulations to Bill for qualifying this week.

There are now 7 qualifiers for the TOC.

Good luck to everyone next week. Will the VPL continue to put up such impressive numbers?

Only one way to find out. Come and play.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Season 21 Week 3

Is there anything left to say about the VPL that hasn't been said before?

I will give it a try.

Week 3 into season 21 has, once again, tied the all time attendance record at 23.

At the first break, there were only 2 players gone.

Plus 2 regular members were not present.

There was a time when I hoped for two full tables (16 players) and now we are on the verge of three full tables (24). MAXIMUM CAPACITY.

If we get more players we may have to go with an alternate status.

25th player might have to wait for someone to get busted before he/she can play. More on that later.

Let's get down to the nitty gritty.

The VPL always shows great poker playing (maybe not always great character).

This week was no different. This week the river was very picky.

For some, it was a lifesaver and for others it was a reason to start cussing.

This week's poker tale begins at everyone's favorite spot................BUBBLE TIME:

This week there were 5 players name on this list: Randy, TC, Clay, Jared and Alan.

According to the rules of the VPL with attendance of 21 and over, there are 4 payouts which means 5th place will go home empty handed.

This week, the 5th place spot went to Jared.

MONEY TIME: TC, Alan, Randy and Clay

This money list will have two new qualifiers.

Making his way off the table in 4th place and a win of $31 was Alan.

Having to bow out gracefully (well not so gracefully) was TC in 3rd place with a win of $39.

HEADS-UP: Clay and Randy.

This was quite the battle with both players being very good poker players.

In the end there can only be one winner.

So ending week 3 in 2nd place with a win of $97 was Clay.

The winner of week 3, the chip and $195 was Randy.

Congratulations to both Randy and Clay for qualifying for the TOC.

This week proved to be very tough because the tournament ended at 500/1000 level after 1:15 am.

It has been said before and I will say it again, the VPL is the place to play poker.

Good Luck to everyone next week.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Season 21 Week 2

The VPL relaxed a bit this week, playing host to 19 players.

We did run two tables. Don't let the fact that we didn't have 3 tables this week fool you.

I'm proud to say that we got the cards flying around 7:43 (not too shabby because of the really late starts last season. That problem has been remedied).

You would think that the smaller amount of people, the quicker the tournament will end.

That would be the case in a normal tournament. The VPL is not your normal tournament.

This week the blinds were capped (500/1000) and the tournament didn't end, again, until after 1am.

This week's winner you know you're going to have to keep reading to find this out.

The magic bubble. This week the following names appeared on this list: Joe, James, Brian and Quentin.

Along with the needle to pop the bubble, it was Brian who manged his way into 4th place.

Money time: Quentin, James and Joe

This week the battle was in the money. These players would not give up. One would double up. The stacks would get low and then just as quickly rise up once again.

This 3 way battle was very long and every one of these people earned their money this week.

3rd place needed a name..............and it got one. Joe was the person to exit the felt in 3rd place with a win of $48.

Head's-up: Quentin and James.

An interesting scenario. Different players with different attitudes.

But in the end, there can only be 1.

It was James who had to settle for 2nd place with a win of $80.

This made Quentin the winner of week 2, the chip and $161.

Here is what made this a real cinderella story. At one point, Quentin was down to $200. Went all-in to triple up to $600 (the blinds at this time were 300/600)

He tripled up and then he doubled up. Then came back to win the entire tournament. If I hadn't witnessed this with my own two eyes...........hard story to beleive.

Congtratulations to James and Quentin for being the newest players to qualify for the TOC.

At the VPL, expect the unexpected and believe the unbelievable.

This is the place where poker stories (good and bad) are born.

Good luck to everyone next week.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Season 21 Week 1

This is it! The start of a brand new season for the VPL.

That's right, Season 21 is under way.

What a way to start off Season 21.

This week the VPL was host to 20 people who sat together in harmoney (well...............I don't know about harmony) to play nicely (well...........I don't know about nicely) and see who would take this weeks prize.

This week was crazy because for the first time in a very long time, the blinds were capped at 500/1000.

* if one more person would have come then the cap would have been raised to 1000/2000.

This week's game also proved to be one of the longest games. This week the tournament finished after 1:00am.

It was the battle of the wills, because when the break came only 2 people were out, but that isn't where we begin our tale this week.

That's right bubble time: Angela, James, Joe and Mark

This week it was James who was the magician and made himself disappear when the bubble popped. He left the table in 4th place earning 18pts.

This week the money got distributed to: Angela, Mark and Joe

Very interesting position here. Who is going to be heads-up?

I would like to see the result of Joe vs Angela.

Unfortunately for me that didn't happen because it was Angela going out in 3rd place with a win of $51.

Head-Up: Joe vs Mark.

This battle was very interesting. Two players with two unique styles of play.

The blinds were capped at 500/1000 before a winner was declared.

There were a few times with an all-in and a call..........only to see a double up.

In the end, there was a final all-in and a call.

When the river hit the board, it was Mark who saw himself on the lower end.

Mark finished in 2nd place with a win of $85.

That means that Joe was the winner of Season 21 Week 1 with the chip, and a win of $170.

Congratulations to Joe and Mark for being the first two players to be qualified for the TOC.

Will next week bring the same action? Only one way to find out.........come to the VPL and try

your luck.

Good luck to everyone and we will see you next week.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Season 20 Tournament of Champions

This was it! The biggest payout for a TOC to date.

A very good TOC.

Shouldn't be any surprise because the VPL is where the best poker is played.

14 players qualified for Season's 20 TOC.

Congratulations to Clay for winning the points. For this great effort, he won $280.

Let's get on with the action.

First to leave the tables was Todd at 15-30.

After the color-up saw a number of people leave:

TC, Michelle, James were the people who 25-50 level was not good to.

At the next level 50-100 the following people saw their chips leave with allins and calls:

Randy, Andrew and Brandon

No one left at the blind level 75-150.

It was a different story at the next level of 100-200:

David and Clay both had to leave.

This brings us to bubble time: 150-300.

This level included: Jeremy, Brian, Alan, Joe and Angela

Going out in 5th place was Brian popping the bubble.

At the same leve it was Jeremy leaving in 4th place with a win of $70.

Next to go (at 150-300) was Angela in 3rd place with a win of $105.

Head's up - Alan and Joe (at 200-400)

Chips passed back and forth but the in the end, there was a victor:

Joe ended his TOC in 2nd place with a win of $175.

That's right we are adding a new bracelet winner to the list.

Congratulations to Alan for winning Season's 20 Tournament of Champions.

This win earned him the conveted bracelet as well as $350.

Congratulations to everyone who participated this season.

Let's hope season 21 brings new records and higher payouts.

On a side note, congratulations goes out to Angela. She has been in 3 TOCs and has taken a 1st, 2nd and a 3rd. She has made the money every TOC she has entered.

Hope to see everyone next season!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Season 20 Week 8

This was the final week of Season 20.

Let me tell you, what a season it has been.

First, The VPL had set a record this season. Week 5, was the first time in history that there was 23 people in one night. That tournament also set a record for the longest tournament. That week ended at 2:06 am. with the blinds at 600/1200.

Now in week 6, again, the record was tied at 23.

This season the record was set and not only tied once but tied twice.

That's right week 8 proved to be one of the biggest weeks to date. Also one of the tightest battles for points to date.

Week 8 had 23 people battle it out for the money. And we are talking big money.

We crowned the winner of the biggest points pots in VPL history.

That winner was.....................................that's later in the blog.

As per the rules, after 20 people there are 5 places paid (4 payouts and the 5th to the points/TOC pot).

This week also showed that after the final card was laid, there were 5 people with over 100 points. This feat was previously unheard of in the VPL.

Okay there are 5 people on todays list. That's right..............the bubble list:

James, Clay, Steve, Randy and David.

Hard fought battle proved to be a little too much for our 5th place finisher.

The person who won 19 points for 5th place, and popping the bubble was Steve.

Money time: Clay, Randy, James and David.

With a win of $31 and a 4th place finish was James.

James ended up with a total of 108 points without having a Q by his name.

Next to leave the table in 3rd place with a win of $39 was Clay.

That means the qualifers are David (already previously qualified) and Randy.

Randy is a new qualifier for the TOC.

Going into heads up with a crazy chip lead was David.

The heads up wasn't very long as Randy only had a few bets left, which meant that Randy finished in 2nd place with an impressive win of $97.

That meant that David was the winner of week 8 with a win of $195.

At the end of the tournament, it was Clay who ended up with the most points. He finished week 8 with a crazy 129 points.

This was the biggest points pot to date: Season 20 points pot ended up being $280.

Congratulations to Clay with the win of $280.

Now there are 14 people qualified for the TOC: Clay, Alan, TC, Todd, David, Angela, Brian, Joe,Brandon, Jeremy, Andrew, Randy and the two non-points qualifiers are James and Michelle

What can I say about Season 20. This season has proven to be no less that incredible.
With attendance records being set and tied along with a record for the highest points payout.

Simply put: AWESOME!

Now if all 14 players come to the TOC, the following will be the payouts:

1st - $350
2nd - $175
3rd - $105
4th - $ 75

This is the TOC to win.

Only way to find out who wins. You have to come and see.

Everyone is welcome to come watch. Good luck to everyone.

Let's hope Season 21 sets new records.

Friday, September 11, 2009

New Tournament

Just got the word from Tom in Lamar.

On September 26, 2009 at 1:00 at the Eagles in Lamar.


This tournament will be a hold'em only tournament.

Buy-in will be $100 with no re-buys.

I believe starting stack will be $1,500.

Also at the Eagles at 6:00pm they will have a steak dinner (this will have to be purchased separately from your buy-in).

They also have a cash bar.

I highly recommend this tournament these are a great bunch of guys.

Good luck to everyone who can attend.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Season 20 Week 7

2nd to last tournament for Season 20.

18 players and alot of action.

This week 18 players sat down on the felt to fight it out.

Alot of action. Two very full tables of hungry players.

This week's bubble action has 4 names on the list:

Jeremy, Andrew, Bill and Angela

It was Bill who produced the magic needle this week to pop the bubble. Putting his name in the 4th place spot.

Money time: Andrew, Angela and Jeremy.

Within this group, there is only previous qualifier (Angela).

Chips had to fly and an all'in was called.

Then there was a 3rd place finisher. That 3rd place finisher was Angela with a win of $45.

Heads-Up: Jeremy and Andrew.

Jeremy and Andrew have now qualified for the TOC.

This week's action was about pure poker.

Patience along with skill was tested with this heads up battle.

With any race, there is a 1st place and a 2nd place.

This week the last person to be knocked out was Jeremy. Jeremy's hand was beaten by Andrew.

Jeremy's 2nd place finish earned him $76.

Which means that Andrew was the winner of week 7 with a win of $153 and the chip.

Congratulations to Jeremy and Andrew for being the latest qualifiers for the TOC.

This seasons TOC will be a big payout. Not to mention the points race.

This week it will come down to week 8 to see who will win. 3 players in line for a very big payout.

If you want to know who wins the points, you will have to come to the VPL for week 8.

Good luck everyone, we will see you next week.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Season 20 Week 6

What can I say.

Is it possible to hit a record two weeks in a row?

If you would have asked me last week I would have said impossible.

VPL has proved the impossible.........possible.

That's right! Week 6 has tied the record.

Week 6 tied the all time attendance record for a single week at 23.

However, this week proved to be the week of action.

This week, there were 3 people out in the first set of blinds.

Two people saw their exit at the same time in one hand.

The final two tables were around 10:30.

This action was fast and furious. Glad to report that the tournament did end before 1:30am.

So let's get to it: everyone's favorite spot...........................the bubble.

Michelle, TC, Alan, Mark and Clay

This week was the battle of the wills.

With all-ins and double ups. It was betweeen Michelle and TC to see who was the one to pop the bubble.

One would be down. Then the other would double up.....then the other would steal the blinds.

Finally there was an all-in and a call, then the bubble being popped.

This week the person who popped the bubble was Michelle in 5th place.

Money time: Clayh,k Alan, TC and Mark.

Because there was a battle for the bubble meant that someone had to come into the money short stacked.

That person was TC. He was the one who left he table in 4th place with a win of $31.

In 3rd place was Mark with a win of $39.

Heads-up: Alan and Clay.

One new qualifier (Alan had previous qualified)

The shortstack held his own in this heads up battle but just couldn't hold it until the end.

In 2nd place, with a win of $97 was Alan.

Which meant that Clay was the winner of week 6 with a cash of $197 and the chip.

Congratulations to Clay for winning and qualifying.

The points are still anyone's ball game.

There are still 2 weeks left in Season 20.

Who will win next week? Will the points change?

Only one way to find out. Come and play and take your chance to qualify for the TOC.

Good luck!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Season 20 Week 5


Oh, did I mention the fact we made history at the VPL on tuesday night.

With a call from Jared, to reserve his seat, with three minutes remaining before the first color up, he made the 23rd person to sit at the VPL tables.

That's right! There was a total of 23 people who made it to the VPL for week 5.

Domino effect: with having the most people at the VPL also meant the largest payout in VPL history..............but more on that later.

This tournament also has the honor of being the longest tournament in VPL history.

The tournament ended with the blinds at 600/1200 (first time at that level) at 2:06am. That's right 2:06. The cash game ended before the tournament did (unheard of)

The play was extreme. Two tables of eight and one table of seven.

The table I was at had extreme action right off the bat. After a few hands into the tournament, there was an all-in and a call. Didn't knock out the player but left him severly crippled.

Coming into the break, there was still three tables of action.

This season has shown, pretty consistently, that after 20 players the payout goes to 5 spots (the 5th going towards the points and TOC).

Season 20 has had only one week with less than 21 (week 2 had 18)

Of course with the big number of players comes the big number of points.

The points race right now is very tight. Only 2 points separate the first three spots.

Now down to the action:

This week's bubble contained the following people: Quentin, Alan, Todd, David and TC

Up to this point, very crazy (and sometimes questionable) poker playing.

Someone had to get the honor of bubble boy.

This week that honor belonged to Todd. He left the tournament in 5th place.

Money time: Quentin, Alan, TC and David.

This is the point where the tournament seemed to just creep.

Everyone was in the money, however, nobody wanted to leave. The chips seemed to be floating back and forth from one player to another.

Finally there was a 4th place finisher.

Alan, gracefully left the table in 4th place with a win of $31.

After Alan, again, it seemed that the table ran into a bowl of jello.

I'm not saying there wasn't action. There was plenty of action. The only problem was that shortstacks were doubling up and then losing their chips again.

The chips went back and forth. The chip lead was a roller coaster ride.

With a 4th place finish, all tournaments must have a 3rd place finisher.

This tournament was no different.

In 3rd place with a $39 win was Quentin.

Heads-Up: TC and David.

David came into the tournament with a massive chip lead.

TC battled back as much as possible but in the end, it wasn't enought.

TC ended week 5 in 2nd place with a $97 win.

Which meant, David, was week 5's winner.

This record finish left him with the chip and an amazing $195 payout.

Crazy Fact of the Tournament: I counted 7 pocket pair of aces and only 2 of them got busted.

Can it get any better, we can only wait and see.

Check the points race and come next week to see who will win week 6.

It could be you!

Good luck everyone.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Season 20 Week 4

This week the weather wasn't very nice but that didn't stop 21 people to come out and play their best poker.

That's right, 21 people put up their hard earned money for their shot at glory.

This week marks the middle of Season 20.

This is the interesting thing: 4 weeks into Season 20. 3 out of the 4 weeks the payout had to be adjusted to pay 4 spots.

You know what that means.

This weeks bubble list contained 5 names: Clay, Jason, Jeremy, Angela and Todd.

So who was that brought the needle out of the rain to pop the bubble?

There is an answer to that question.............the answer is Jeremy.

Jeremy exited this weeks tournament in 5th place.

Money time: Clay, Angela, Todd and Jason.

Out of these 4 names, there is only one previous qualifier (Todd).

The first person out of the money was Jason. He left the table in 4th place and $28 richer.

3rd place had a name also. That name belong to Clay. His 3rd place finish earned him $35.

Heads Up: Angela and Todd.

Coming into this battle Todd was the chip leader.

With an all-in from Angela and a call from Todd. The cards flew all the way to the river.

However, Angela was the victor in this battle. She got lucky and hit a Jack on the flop.

This severly crippled Todd.

Unfortunately for Todd, he just couldn't hang on much longer with the blinds already at 400/800. He had to settle for 2nd place along with $89.

That's right, week 4 belonged to Angela.

Her first place finish earned her a guaranted seat in the TOC (now when she sits down at the TOC it will be legit.)

This win was definately earned. Going into this money battle Angela was the short stack. She remained very patient and pushed when she had to.

Then of course, a little luck never hurt. Her catching the Jack on the flop was the pivotal hand of the heads-up battle.

Brandon has now increased his lead by 8. Todd is now 2nd in points.

This goes to show that sometimes an investment in yourself can go a long way. Todd has missed a week. If he would have been blinded in, the points would have been that much closer.

Congratulations to Todd and Angela for qualifying this week.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming to the VPL.

The truth is: I can be the person with the ideas but it takes everyone to make the league.

Also if you are reading this: Thank you for taking the time to read the blog.

Who will be the next two to qualify for the TOC. Will it be you: only way to find out is come and play.

Good luck to everyone.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Season 20 Week 3

What can I say. It doesn't get any better than the VPL.

This week tied the all time record of players in a single week.

That's right, the VPL had 22 players banging out for their chance at glory and some money.

This happened with two regular VPL players not in attendance.

Because there were more than 20 players that means 4 places are paid.

This season's bubble time was very interesting because one of the players actually had to leave the table and the game.

With 6 players left, there were 5 live players and one player being blinded in.

With some shifty play one of the live players went all-in and got called to be busted out in 6th place.

This brought us down to the bubble:

Clay, TC, James, Brandon and Joe.

It was James would had to leave early and had his chips blinded off.

It was also James would was blinded off at 200/400 to bust out on the bubble.

This brings us to money time:

Clay, Brandon, Joe and TC.

With a short stack left, it was TC who saw that it was his time to leave the table in 4th place with a win of $29.

Next to leave the table in 3rd place with a win of $37 was Clay.

Heads-up: Joe and Brandon.

Joe came into this battle the chip leader.

He was able to hold on and claim the victory.

Brandon's 2nd place finish earned him $93.

With this win, Joe won the chip as well as $187.

Congratulations to Joe and Brandon who became the next two to qualify for the TOC.

There are now 6 qualifiers after 3 weeks.

Congratulations to everyone who made the money.

See you all next week. Good luck to all.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Season 20 Week 2

This week the VPL hosted 18 people.

Always good action. Again this week we had 3 tables of excellent poker action.

The VPL is the place for the best poker action around.

We start at the bubble with four very good players:

Alan, Todd, Jared and Brandon

The magic needle belonged to Jared who left the table in 4th place.

Money time:

Brandon, Alan and Todd

Next to find their place at the felt was Brandon. Brandon's 2nd place finish earned him $45.

Head's up:

Alan and Todd

2nd place belonged to Alan with a win of $76.

Week 20's winner of the chip and $153 was Todd.

Congratulations to Todd and Alan who became the next qualifiers for the TOC.

The points race is tight.

Come next week to see who will be ahead in points after week 3.

Good luck everyone.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Season 20 Week 1

This is it! Season 20.

What a way to start off season 20. The VPL hosted 21 people.

Didn't anticipate that number. We started off with two tables. Then had to stop the clock and re-draw for three tables.

We started the tournament with three tables of seven.

Because there are 21 people 4 places are getting paid and the blinds are capped at 1000/2000.

Also this week the bubble had 5 people instead of 4.

Those people were: Brian, Steve, Nick, Michelle and TC.

The bubble was brought out by Nick.

Money time: Michelle, Steve, TC and Brian

Next to leave the table was Michelle. Her 4th place win gave her $35.

3rd place belonged to Steve with a win of $53.

Heads-up: TC and Brian.

The blinds didn't even get up to 500/1000.

Brian left the heads-up game in 2nd place with a win of $89.

TC was the winner of the chip and $178.

Congratulations to TC and Brian to be the first two qualifiers for Season 20.

Good luck everyone next week.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Season 19 Tournament of Champions

This season there were a total of 12 qualfiers for TOC for season 19.

There were two players that could not make it. Jeremy and Jason both sold their seat.

Jeremy's seat went to the next person in line which was Quentin. He bought it.

Jason's seat was offered to the next person after Quentin which was Brian. Unfortunately, Brian was out of town and had to decline. In order we went.

The next person was Angela. She accepted.

Angela was the winner of the TOC for season 18 (also by buying her way in).

Let's get down to the nitty gritty. Because it's the TOC, there are 4 places paid, which means the bubble has 5 names on it.

Those names, in no particular order, are: Steve, Joe, Angela, Bill and Quentin.

As always there is a bubble boy. This TOC, the honor went to Joe. Joe went out in 5th place.

Money time: Angela, Bill, Quentin and Steve.

3 out of the 4 players are previous bracelet winners.

4th place has it's place right after 5th. Also 4th place has a name to along with it. The name belonged to Steve.

Steve went out in in 4th place with a win of $60.

Now it becomes a battle of the bracelets.

Very good players and very good play. With any tournament there has to be a 3rd place person.

This Tournament wasn't any different. The person who went out in 3rd place with a win of $91 was Bill.

Heads-Up: Quentin and Angela

If this sounds familiar, it's because it is. The TOC for season 18 had Angela and Quentin going heads up. Also they both bought into last seasons TOC.

Chips flew back and forth. Ultimately there is a champion to be crowned.

The champion for season 19 TOC was Quentin.

Quentin's first place win netted him the coveted bracelet along with $302.

Angela's 2nd place finish had her taking home $151.

Congratulations to everyone who qualified for the TOC for season 19.

Hope to see everyone for season 20.

Good luck!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Season 19 Week 8

This is it! The last chance to qualify for the TOC.

This week was the week to play at the VPL.

This week is was the week to determine who would win points and who would win the 2nd spot to qualify for the TOC.

This week the VPL hosted 15 players who played their last chance for the TOC.

This week had two races: one for the points and one for the 2nd chance to qualify for the TOC.

This week TC came into the tourney with the lead of only 3 points ahead of George.

This week determines who gets the money for the points. The winner is......................well this will be disclosed later in this blog.

okay without further interruption, we start at the bubble.

4 players: Steve, Bill, James and Jason.

This group included 3 previous qualifiers.

Someone had to pop the bubble and that someone was Steve. That's right, Steve bowed out gracefully in 4th place.

Money time: Jason, Bill and James

This makes this very interesting because Bill and James have both previously qualified.

This is how it went down:

James was the dealer.

James went all-in on the button. Jason in the small blind also goes all-in. Bill in the big blind calls both all-ins.

Pre-flop Bill was chip leader.

Went the final card came on the river, it was Bill who won all the chips.

James ended in 3rd place with a win of $38.

Jason finished the tournament in 2nd place with a win of $64.

Bill had them both out chipped from the beginning and won the tournament by taking them both out. For his efforts, Bill won the chip and $128.

Okay back to the points: it ended up that TC went out 3rd. George went out in 6th. At this point, they are tied in points, however, Joe could get 4th place (12 points) to win.

This didn't happend, Joe went out with 9 points.

This means that TC and George split the points pot. The pot is $243.

Each will receive $121.50.

Excellent Season. Congratulations to everyone

Jason qualified for the TOC in week 8.

There are 12 qualifiers for the TOC.

Good luck to everyone.

Hope to see everyone for Season 20.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Season 19 Week 7

This was week 7.

A very short week at the VPL, only 12 players.

A very close race in points.........but a surprise in the end.

4 points separated 1st and 2nd coming into this battle between TC and Joe.

bubble time: George, Clay, Quentin and Steven

This weeks honor for busting the bubble belongs to Quentin who takes 4th place.

Next to exit the table was Steve in 3rd place with a win of $30.

Heads-Up: George and Clay

Congratulations to Clay for qualifying for the TOC

With some very good play, some all ins and of course the last "I call"

It was George hitting the rail in 2nd place with a win of $51.

Clay took down week 7 with the chip and a win of $102.

With George's 2nd place finish, it pole vaulted him into the points race.

He finished the tournament with total points of 90.

TC finished the tournanent with total points of 93.

Next week is the final week to determine who will win the points.

Joe is in 3rd place in points with 85.

Also is the race for the 2nd pts qualifier. Michelle with 53 points and Quentin with 52 points.

Next week, the VPL will be the place to be to see who will be the points winner and who will qualify for the TOC.

Good luck to everyone.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Season 19 Week 6

I have to apologize to everyone because I thought that the site had already been updated.

So to those that read this on a regular basis, please (by all means) remind me about the site if it hasn't been updated by Thursday following the tournament.

Okay, on to the business that we've all come to read about.

Week 6 brought more players that planned. 19 people sat around the tables to win the money.

Bubble time: Bill, Clay, Jeremy and Todd.

With some shifty plays and some bold calls, it was Jeremy who saw himself this week with the needle. He popped the bubble going out in 4th place.

Money time: Clay Bill and Todd

3rd place slot needed filling. The person who filled this spot was Clay with a $50 win.

Heads-Up: Bill and Todd

Both players are previous qualifiers.

There is always a 1st place and a runner up.

This weeks runner up (2nd place) was Bill with a win of $76.

To the victor go the spoils and this week the victor was Todd. He won the chip and $153.

Congratulations to this weeks money winners.

There are 8 people who are now qualified for the TOC.

Only two weeks left in Season 19 and the points race is still very tight.

Who will win.

Tune in next week.

Good luck to everyone.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Season 19 Week 5

This week 17 people laid their hard earned money on the online for they're shot at glory.

We start this blog at the very important spot of the bubble.

4 players: Jeremy, George, Joe and Brian

This week the #4 spot belonged to Brian.

That's right! Money time!

Jeremy, Joe and George

Out of this bunch there are 2 previous qualifiers (Joe and George).

This week it was George who had to say his good bye leaving the table in 3rd place with a $44.

Heads-Up: Jeremy and Joe

Very nice playing on both parts.

Someone had to win and someone had to take 2nd.

This week number 2 spot belonged to Jeremy winning $70.

That's right: Joe was the winner of week 5 with the c$146.

The points race hasn't tightened up: The difference between the top 3 players is only 3 points.

Who will win next week? Who will pull ahead in points?

These questions, and many others, will be answered next week.

Same bat time, same bat channel.

Good luck everyone.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Season 19 Week 4

Halfway through Season 19 brought some exciting play.

This week there were 16 players at the VPL. Dont' let the small numbers fool you.

You will not find better poker players than at the VPL (okay maybe that's a stretch but it is sure alot of fun).

We've had some old friends come by and play. Larry and Sandra caught the bug again now that they found some time.

Also, Don made trip to come and play.

Now on with the action.

This week bubble action included: George, James, Todd and TC

Todd, who was feeling no pain, reached into his bag of tricks to exit the table in 4th place while popping the bubble.

Money time: James, George and TC.

George is the only who has qualified among these three.

The third place position was filled by TC with a $40 win.

Heads up: George and James.

It was George who finished in 2nd place with a $68 win.

James won the tournament, the chip and $136.

To show the quality of play at the VPL, this week's tournament ended with the blinds at 400/800. This was totally different than two weeks ago when there was 22 people. At that tournament it ended with the blinds at 150/300.

There are now 7 qualifiers for the TOC.

Good luck to everyone next week.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Season 19 Week 3

This week the VPL was a bit relaxed. There were 14 players at two tables this week.

A tad bit smaller than last week, however, the quality of play with the regulars is very good.

Bubble time this week came a bit earlier than normal. There were still 4 players on this weeks

Those four names belonged to: Todd, TC, James and Steve.

This week the honor of busting the bubble belong to James exiting the table in 4th place.

Next to exit the table was TC in 3rd place winning $35.

Heads up: Todd and Steve

Both players are very good players. Going into heads up they both had alot of chips.

But in every week, there has to be a 1st place and 2nd place.

This week was no different.

Exiting the table in 2nd place was Steve with a win of $60.

That means that Todd finished in 1st place, the chip and a win of $119.

Congratulations to Todd and Steve for being this weeks two qualifiers.

Good luck to everyone next week.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Season 19 Week 2

Can it get any better?  I know this question has been asked before but it is a very relevent question.

The answer is YES!

This week was insane at the VPL.  This VPL hosted 22 seats to players who had the desire (and skill?) to make it to the number 1 spot.

22 people is now the official record for the number of players in a single week.  Three tables of alot of action.

I wanted to give a shout to Larry and Sandra for coming and playing this week.  Sandra is a previous bracelet winner (season 3).  They are a couple of players who helped launch the VPL.

Having over 20 players, the payout was adjusted.  There were five places being paid with 5th place going toward the points and TOC.

Also because of the new rule, the blinds cap was raised to 1000/2000.

The VPL has a high caliber of talent (of course this point has been debated in the past).

By the 1st break, there was only 1 person out of the tournament.  21 people going into the break.

Now onto our favorite spot:  The bubble.  This week there were fives names that belong on this list: Jeremy, TC, Frank, Bill,  Joe.

The fifth position was not lonely for long, Jeremy joined the #5 going out on the bubble.

Money time:  Frank, Bill, Joe and TC 

It was TC's time to leave the tournament in 4th place with a win of $29.

The next person to exit was Joe in 3rd place earning him $37.

Heads up:  Frank and Bill.

Two very good players, each with alot of chips.

The final hand was crazy.  Going into this Frank had Bill outchipped.

Here is how it went down:  
There is $22,000 in chips on the table.  Frank has a little less than 2:1 on Bill

Blinds are 150/300

Bill goes all-in preflop.  Frank thinks about and calls

Bill shows pocket Jacks and Frank shows As 2d

Flop comes:  J, one diamond, another diamond

Bill now has Frank practically drawing dead with trip Jacks.

The turn comes another diamond.

The river card is shown................................a diamond.

Frank wins the hand (and the tournament) by catching a four card flush to Bill's trip Jacks.

Bill's 2nd place finish earned him $93.

Franks 1st place finish earned him the chip and $187 (the biggest payout for a single week).

Congratulations to Bill and Frank for qualifying for the TOC.

Last time we had 21 people, the blinds were capped at 500/1000 and the tournament lasted until 1:54.

This week we 22 people and the tournament ended at 150/300 and the time was 11:54.

Didn't make it to the 2nd break.

Thanks to everyone for coming this week and good luck to everyone next week!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Season 19 Week 1

We started week 1 with 2 full tables.  That's right, the VPL was host to 16 people.

Very good action this week.  The 2nd player didn't get busted until after the break.

But we don't talk about that here.  What we talk about here are the last 4 players.

That's right, the bubble.

4 places: George, Joe, Clay and TC

This week 4th place belonged to TC who got busted by a 4 card straight.

Money time:

George, Clay and Joe.

Someone had to go out before qualifying and that someone was Clay.

Clay's 3rd place finish earned him $40.

Head's up:  George and Joe.

Going into this battle Joe had an incredible chip lead.

George made some moves early but they weren't enough.

George went out in 2nd place with a $68 win.

Joe won week 1 of season 19 with the chip and $136.

Congratulations to Joe and George for being the first two qualifiers for season 19.

Good luck and we'll see everyone next week.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Season 18 Tournament of Champions

Here we are once again, the Tournament of Champions for Season 18.

First off, I want to thank everyone who has helped make the VPL what it is today.

I'm going to get the technical news out of the way right off the bat. Rules for the VPL have come from different issues that have occured (ie: raising the cap from 500/1000 to 1000/2000 when more that 20 players)

This is no different. Because of unfortunate circumstances that happened at the cash game after the TOC. Any new members will have to have a contact sheet completed (ie: name, address, # and who referred them to the VPL) before they can play.

I try to provide a tournament that everyone enjoys to participate in. If it's not a nice environment then no one would come. I know that we all talk shit at the table but at the same time I am confident to say that everyone also knows that it's just that.........shit talk. No one takes it personal and those who have simply haven't returned.

That's enough of that, I don't like negative things.

On with the show. TOC Season 18.

There were 14 players players qualified for this TOC. 2 players couldn't show (according to the rules of the VPL, they chose the option to sell their seats to the next eligible people in line.).

The two non-points qualfiiers were: Quentin and Alan. The next two in line to buy the seats were: Angela and Ryan. Angela chose to buy her seat, Ryan chose not to. We then move down the list one more time to James. He did buy his seat.

This is the reason that I would like a list of telephone numbers of our players so that I can easily contact you in case this situation comes up again. Thanks.

Season 18 was the biggest season to date: one week having 21 people. Which made this TOC the one to play in.

We started off with 14 players. 2 tables of 7.

I hate to mention this but this was brutal.

Very first hand of the tournament, there was an
all-in preflop.............................and a call.

Bill went all in with pocket kings only to be called by George who had pocket aces. Georges' aces held up and Bill was out on the first hand.

At this seasons TOC there were 4 places being paid. This meant that bubble contained 5 people. Those five werea: Jared, Brian, Steve, Quentin and Angela.

Steve was the person who reached into his bags of tricks and popped the bubble leaving in 5th place.

Money time: Quentin, Angela, Brian and Jared.

Coming into the money there was only one previous bracelet winner which was last seasons defending champion..Quentin.

4th place needed a name to be placed next to it, that name was Jared. Jared got busted out in 4th place with a win of $68.

Top three players were guaranteed at least $103.

That $103 dollar prized belonged to Brian for going out in 3rd place.

Heads-up: Quentin and Angela

Going into heads-up Quentin was out to defend his championship.

Angela went into this battle the chip leader.

Bets were made and cards were flying but in the end there was only one winner.

When the dust settled it was Quentin who took 2nd place with a win of $171.

That's right, Angela was the TOC winner for Season 18.

Her first place finished earned her the coveted bracelet along with $342. The biggest TOC payout to date.

Interesting side note: In the 18 seasons of the VPL, there have only been two females to win a bracelet.

What makes this even more interesting, those two females were mother and daughter. Sandra won the TOC for Season 3 and Angela for Season 18.

Also for Season 18 the points were won by a female. Michelle won $269 for points.

Good luck to everyone in Season 19. May you all have the 2nd best hand next to me.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Season 18 Week 8

Here it is: The last week of season 18.

This week the VPL had 17 people come together to fight their way to the top.

the real battle was in the points. Michelle was leading coming into the tourney with 97 points.

Right behind here was Quentin with 92. Two others tied for 90 were TC and Steve.

More on that one later.

17 players means that 13 players had to leave before we reached the bubble.

Those four players were: Clay, Alan, Frank and Stan

Stan had the honor of busting the bubble this week in 4th place.

Money time: Alan, Clay and Frank

Alan was next to say goodbye to week 8 in 3rd place with a win of $44.

Heads up:

Frank and Clay.

Frank came into the heads up battle with a tremendous chip lead.

He was able to hold onto his chips and finally get all of them in the end.

Clay finished the tourney in 2nd place with a win of $70.

Frank was the victor with the chip and $145 to his name.

Okay back to the points.

Michelle's closest opponent was Quentin who left the table in with 5 points. She was still not out of the water yet. With Steve and TC still having a chance.

Next to leave was Steve with 6 points.

Right after Steve's exit, Michelle saw it was here turn to leave the table with 7 points.

Only TC left with a nice stack and a definate possibility of stealing the points away from Michelle.

With the final table of 8 (and 7 remaining)

TC saw that he had to get 4th place to win the points.

Blinds were 100/200 (on the last hand before the blinds were to raise)

TC, one from the bubble, looked down and saw pocket 8's.

With $2,000 in front of him decides to go all-in.

Button folds, small blind folds and Frank in the big blind ponders.

Frank finally says "I call"

TC shows 88 and Frank shows As2s

flop comes J 2 2 then rag and rag.

Frank flopped trips to take TC out with 11 points. He was just 3 shy of tying the points.

With TC eliminated Michelle secured the points win. The points for Season 18 was $269.

Congratulations to Michelle for winning points.

14 players for the TOC with two seats being sold (David and Clay cannot make it).

Good luck to everyone in the TOC.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Season 18 Week 7

What can I say about the VPL? Just when you thought it couldn't get any better....................................It certainly does and then some.

The VPL has been around for 3 years. For the first 3 season we played at the bar.

The most players we had at the bar was 20.

Season 4 was when we started playing at the house. The most players we've seen at the house was 19. We saw 19 players quite a few times.

Now erase everything you previously thought about the VPL.

Enter Season 18 Week 7.

This week we saw a few things that we had never seen before.

This week, May 5, 2009, Cinco de Mayo, the VPL was host to a record breaking 21 people.

That's right, we had 3 tables of 7 players going at for their share of the prize money.

Every week there are 4 places that get paid with 3 people who get money (the 4th place money is combined with the $3 each week).

One night we had only 10 players. The payout then was adjusted down to only 3 spots ( 1st - 50%, 2nd - 30% and 3rd - 20%)

This week we had the opposite situation. Since we had 21 players there were 5 places being paid ( 1st -50%, 2nd-%25, 3rd-%10, 4th-8% and 5th-7%).

Week 7 had 4 players getting money and the 5th place will go the pot.

Week 7 was also the first week (since season 3) that the blinds were capped.

This heads -up action was intense. Because the blinds didn't raise after 500/1000 real poker came into play.

Normally the tournament ends about 12:15. Season 18 Week 7 was the tournament that last lasted way past midnight.

The tournament finally ended at 1:54am. And the winner was...................................more on that subject later.

This week the bubble was 5 players. So after 21 player started and then 16 players saw their way off the felt was what brought us to the bubble.

This week the 5 players were: Angela, Jason, Nick, Steve and Brian.

No matter how many places are paid, there is always the bubble boy.

Season 18 week 7 had its own bubble too, that honor belonged to Jason.

This brings us to the money: Nick, Brian, Angela and Steve.

After an earlier win (A2 vs AK and a deuce hits) Angela was playing on borrowed time. Well it was time to cash that time it. Angela saw it was her time to leave the table in 4th place with a $28 win.

This week also had a 3rd place. This position was filled by Steve with a $35 win.

Head-up: Brian and Nick

These guys are two new qualifiers for season 18.

This is where the battle started. They capped the blinds and then lasted another 50 minutes playing at 500/1000.

When the dust settled and the river card was laid, it was time to crown this weeks champion.

In 2nd place and an $89 win was Nick.

That's right. Week 7 champion was Brian with the chip and $178.

This week saw three new things happen.

1: new record of 21 people
2: seeins the blinds being capped.
3: new rule: that's right. A managerial decision was made for the blinds. If there are more than 20 players the blinds will be capped at 1000/2000 with increasing blinds from 500/1000, 600/1200, 800/1600 and finally 1000/2000.

We now have 14 players who are qualified for the TOC (includin the points winners).

Here is the interest point ( for those who have made it this far). David has already indicated that he will not be able to play at the VPL until 8/09. This means that his seat is now available for sale.

The possible players in position for this are: Ryan, Angela and James.

With 1 week left, Michelle is in the points lead by 5. Can she win it?

You will have to come to week 8 to find out.

The only word I have to describe week 7 is: WOW!

The payout schedule can be found in the side bar. With the last payout being combined for the TOC and points money. When there is only 10 players all 3 positions get paid and no money goes to the pot (only $3).

Good luck to everyone

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Season 18 Week 6

I owe an apology. I thought that I had already updated the blog for week 6. I discovered this yesterday.

The VPL hosted 18 people for week 6. A very good turnout as always.

Week 6 was the first time that we had 3 tables into play. For the most part I received positive feedback with only one person indicating that they didn't like the short handed play.

Any and all feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

We'll try 3 tables again for week 7.

This week was crazy, at one point there were 3 tournament tables going as well as one cash game table (this table was smaller). That's right, a total of 4 different tables going on at once.

Now onto the action.18 people minus 14 people brings us to the magical bubble:

Steve, TC, Clay and Bill.

It was Clay this week who popped the bubble leaving the table in 4th place.

Money time:

Steve, TC and Bill

There had to be a 3rd place finisher and that person was Steve. Steve earned $46 for his 3rd place finish.

Heads-Up: TC and Bill

Both are new qualifiers this week.

When the final hand was dealt, it was Bill who had the 2nd best hand. He finished the tournament in 2nd place with a $76 win.

TC won the tournament, the chip and earned $153.

There are now 12 players qualified for the TOC (including the points qualifiers).

This week made the points race even closer. Michelle is in the lead by only two points. She has 83 and Quentin has 81.

Will she keep her lead? You will have to join us next week for week 7.

Good luck to everyone!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Season 18 Week 5

This was the week to play at the VPL.

Week 5 had a total of 19 players sit down and battle it out for the money.

Sidenote: because the VPL has had 18 players pretty consistently, it was brought up to add another table and play 3 tables of 6. We would draw for three tables at the beginning of the night. Think about this and we'll talk about it next week.

Okay, on to the action.

Since there were 19 players, it took a while to get to the final table as well as the bubble.

The four players this week on the bubble were: Quentin, Alan, David and Jeremy.

This week it was Alan who popped the money bubble.

Money time: Quentin, Jeremy and David.

Quentin was the first to leave this trio of poker players. For his 3rd place finished, Quentin received $50.

Heads-up: Jeremy and David.

The heads up actions didn't last that long.

As the final card hit the river, the winning hand was shown.

That winning hand belonged to Jeremy. Jeremy's 1st place finished got him qualified for the TOC, the chip as well as a $160 cash prize.

David's 2nd place finish grossed him $80. David had previously qualified for the TOC.

Congratulations to Jeremy for his 1st victory at the VPL.

Also with Quentin's 3rd place finish, it has brought him within 1 point of the points leader. So

far, Michelle has been able to stay above the crowd but will she be able to see it to the finish.

Come next week to find out.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Season 18 Week 4

The night: 4-14-2009

This night brought together 18 very good poker players.

Once again, The VPL was host to 18 players battling their way for the money, chip and their chance to qualify for the TOC.

This week proved to be the week for the river. Hand after hand was cracked on the river. Early in the tournament, three pairs of kings were busted.

One hand saw an ace on the river to take out two people at once. The river was brutal this week at the VPL.

After a few hours of play brings us to everyone's favorite spot.........the bubble:

Michelle, once again, proved she is one of the better players at making a short stack last. 6 way action, she was one of the short stacks and was able to be one of the four players in the buble action.

This weeks 4 contenders were: David, George, Quentin and Michelle.

This week, the person in charge of the bubble popping was Quentin going out in 4th place.

Money time:
David, George and Michelle.

Proving, that she is a force to be reckoned with, Michelle exits the table in 3rd place with a win of $46.

Heads-Up: David vs George.

Going into this battle George had almost exact 2:1 chip lead over David.

With all-in from David, after hitting top pair (jacks) on the board, George quickly called and showed an over pair (queens).

The river wasn't cruel on the final hand. George's queens held up and David took 2nd place with a win of $76.

George's 1st place finish won him the chip and $153.

David has now qualified for the TOC. George had previously qualified.

Congratulations to George, David and Michelle for making the money this week.

Upon completing week 4, Michelle has now extended her points lead to 7.

Halfway done with Season 18. How will it end? Come next week and find out.

Good luck everyone and we'll see you for week 5.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

La Bamba Tournament 4-11-09

La Bamba hosted a poker tournament where 21 people ponied up their hard earned money for their shot at prize money.

La Bamba lounge has always been a good host for poker tournaments. This weekend was no different. The tournament had 3 tables of 7 people.

There was a combination of players from the VPL and some new faces.

This tournament paid out 4 spots.

We start this blog off just like every other blog...........on the bubble.

Jared, George, James TC and Angela.

TC was the one who popped the bubble and after hours of play received nothing for his play. LOL

Money time: George, James, Angela and Jared

4th place belonged to Jared with a $52 win.

After some hard play and passing chips, it was time for the 3rd place position to be named. That honor went to Angela with a $78 win.

Heads-up: George and James.

Both very good players. With any tournament there is room for only one person at the top. With that, 2nd place went to George along with $131.

Congratulations to James for winning the 2nd tournament this year at La Bamba.

For James' 1st place finish, he won $262.

Thanks to everyone who came and played.

Congratulations to those who made the money.

Hope to see everyone at the next tournament.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Season 18 Week 3

This week the VPL hosted two full tables of players.

16 people gathered together for their fight for glory. Only 3 people will be able to share the money and only 1 person can be titled champion.

So let's begin.

bubble time:

Jared, Quentin, Michelle and Clay.

This week it was Michelle who reached into her bag of tricks to pop the bubble.

She exited the table in 4th place.

Money time:

Quentin, Clay and Jared.

Going into this 3 way battle, Jared was the short stack. Clay and Quentin two large stacks.

A big hand insued between Quentin and Clay.

An all-in and call was cause for the chips to be pushed to the center and the cards to be turned over.

By the time the river hit, it was Clay who was holding a winner. He had Quentin outchipped.

Quentin left the table in 3rd place with a win of $40.

With that, the clock stopped and we got ready for heads-up action between Clay and Jared.

At this point, Clay had a big chip lead against Jared.

The blinds were 200-400. They were just too big for Jared to hang on. The tournament ended and Jared took 2nd place with a win of $68.

Clay won the tournament, the chip and $136.

Congratulations to both Clay and Jared for qualifying for the TOC.

With Michelle's 4th place finish, she edges out TC for the chip lead by 1 point.

We'll see everyone next week for week 4.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Season 18 Week 2

Season 18 has lived up to its name once again. 18 players came together at the VPL to take their shot at the money.

This weeks game was filled with alot of action. Also, this season caused a new rule to be introduced..........more on that later.

Everybody's favorite spot the bubble:

George, Michelle, Alex and TC.

This is how the action went down to pop the bubble.

Blinds: 200/400

Button: TC 400 chips, SB: Michelle around 2000, BB: Alex 400 chips and then chip leader George with around 14,000.

George is first to act and folds.

Action is on TC. He has 1 bet left. and Alex is all-in in the BB.

Tournament thinking comes into play here. What to do? If Alex gets busted in the BB, TC makes the money, however, If Alex wins the hand he will have chips and then TC will be all-in in the BB in two hands.

TC looks down to see Q6, he shoves all-in. Michelle calls 200 and Alex is already all-in.

1200 in the pot.

Cards are flipped: TC has Q6, Michelle shows K5 and Alex shows 96.

Michelle goes to the flop leading.

The flop comes rags. Michelle is still leading after the flop. She is just waiting to bust Alex and TC to get heads-up and Qualify for the TOC.

The turn is another brick. Michelle has this hand sewn up.

Don't count it dead yet, as the river turns a Q is revealed. This river pairs TC and takes Alex out in 4th place with no money.

Money time: TC, Michelle and George.

Of course with only 3 bets left, TC is taken out next. TC leaves the table in 3rd place and $46.

Heads-up: Michelle and George

Last season showed that when it came to heads up action, it would be around 10 hands before the tournament was over.

This was just the oppositve of the action in week 2.

Coming into heads up, George had Michelle outchipped around 14,000 to 4,000.

Starting heads up the blinds were still 200-400.

Michelle had to play the best poker to stay in as long as possible.

That's exactly what she did. She made in through 300-600 blind level and into 400-800.

As anyone in the VPL will testify, Michelle is one of the best short stacked players in the league.

She proved this in week 2. The tournament ended at the blind level 400-800.

When it was all said and done, it was George who took 2nd place with a win of $76.

Michelle played excellent poker with amazing patience. She won the tournament and the chip. For her 1st place finish she won $153.

Although we started late, the tournament was one of the longest. The tournament finally ended around 12:45am.

Congratulations to George and Michelle for qualifying for the TOC.

The points lead difference is only 2 points with 4 people.

Hope to see everyone for week 3.

Current Rule: If two players go out on the same hand, the player with the most chips gets the points (and money is applicable).

Amendment: If two players go out on the same hand with the same amount of chips. The two players with split the points (and any money if applicable).

this could have happened when the bubble popped had Michelle won the hand.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Season 18 Week 1

What a way to kick off Season 18. The Season says it all. That's right, this week at the VPL
there were 18 people who sat down at the felt to try their luck at making some money.

Of course, not everyone who sits down makes money.

We had two new faces at the VPL this week: David and Angela.

I hope they both had fun and hope to see them again.

Okay, let's get the summary started: Bubble time:

The four players were: Frank, Angela, Quentin and Steve.

The one who popped the money bubble was, season 17 TOC winner, Quentin. He left the table in 4th place.

That's time!

Steve, Angela and Frank

Who would be the two players to qualify for the TOC?

Someone had to take 3rd place and that someone was Angela. She exited the table in 3rd place with a win of $46.

Congratulations to Angela for making the money on her debut at the VPL.
**sidenote: To everyone else in the VPL, If this girl continues to play this way, we all will have to step up our game.

Heads up action brought together Steve and Frank.

After 2 hands the tournament was over.

Frank took 2nd place with a win of $76.

Steve won Week 1 of Season 18 with a win of $153 and the first chip.

Congratulations to both Steve and Frank for being the first two players to qualify for the TOC.

Good luck to everyone and we will see you next week.

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